Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saturday Night

This past Saturday night, we had friends over and what better way to finish off the night with chocolate fondue? in fountain form! You can find these little home fountains just about anywhere these days and they are inexpensive. Adults love it, kids love it..just don't worry about the mess it will make though. :)
We had marshmallows and strawberries....

and you can't forget peanut butter balls!

I could do this every weekend!

Peanut Butter Balls:

2 sticks margarine

1 cup peanut butter

1 tsp vanilla

1 (16oz) box powdered sugar

Melt the butter and peanut butter together in a large pot. Stir in vanilla and powdered sugar until combined. This will make the dough thick. Roll into balls and put on wax paper. Chill in the refrigerator. Dip into melted chocolate.


  1. I have one that I have not used yet. This looks so decadent!

  2. what a cute idea! I bet the adults love it just as much as the kids do :)

  3. I love my fountain but I've only used it once. I even made your PB balls and they are delicious!

  4. Wow! chocolate fountain. Marshmallows on a chocolate roll and you can also dip brownies out there.

  5. Such a fun idea for a party! You can't go wrong with chocolate!
