Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Martha Monday-Donation Bag

Here we are again for Martha Mondays, and I have to tell you that I completely slacked this week. This weeks assignment was to designate a place for a donation bag, this was one of Martha's organization tips for the day. This is a really good idea and really doesn't take much effort. Just hang a bag by the back door or inside your pantry, where ever your heart desires, and fill it with the items that you want to donate. Food items for the local food pantries, or clothes that you kids have outgrown to donate to the shelters or good will.
This week flew by for me with the boys running cross country and Abby cheering, so honestly, I didn't even think about this assignment this week. But, after looking at everyone being organized, I am completely jealous BTW, it has made me want to go home and clean out the cabinets and drawers in my kitchen. I can't motivate myself enough for the kids closets just yet. :)


  1. When you're done, will you come to my house and organize me? ;-)

  2. Now I have an overwhelming desire to go clean out a closet!

    Alexander started football this week, and Sabrina joined cheerleading, so I hear you on the week flying by!

  3. I leave a donation bag when I'm cleaning by my back door. I feel it with items - and then put it in the trunk. When I go by a donation bin or the thrift store - I drop it off.
