Monday, September 14, 2009

Martha Mondays-Molasses Spice Cake

This is my first week of the group Martha Mondays. This group was created by Martha and Me. I think that I liked this group because 1) it is laid back, if you need to miss, it's ok! and 2) it is not only cooking/baking, but also crafts.

This weeks assignment was chosen by Pru of My Life-Pru Singer and she chose this cake. This cake made me excited when I saw what it was. I am ready for fall and this cake just screamed fall to me.

So, the verdict? It's ok. The cake is moist and has the right amount of spice. A couple of the girls didn't like the cream cheese frosting, because you add sour cream and they thought it was too sour. You can definitely taste the sour cream come through, but I liked it. It is not very sweet, but the brown sugar glaze gives you the sweetness that you need. Oh, and I should warn you...if you are watching your calorie intake, this is not one that you will want to make. I can just feel the bulges in my thighs getting bigger just by thinking of the amount of butter that went into this! :)

Will I make this again? Probably not. But, I'm glad I made it. So far, one of the kids likes it, and will be a great after school snack!

You want the recipe? You can find it here.


  1. wait... baking AND crafts... I may need to join this... :D

  2. Yum...this looks great! Quite fally.

  3. Looks Yummy.....If zak saw this he would laugh,considering he had an enema at the hospital one time with milk and molasses and he just can't stand to be around that molasses smell anymore..ahahahah...hey it is the best enema ever known to man...I'm sure you wanted to know all of this...ha

  4. Oooh - baking and crafting? How very Martha-ish!!

  5. I thought the cake was just ok. Mine seemed a little dry. With all that butter, I thought it should be spectacular but it was just ok. :( I loved trying it though!

  6. It was a LOT of butter. Almost a whole pound!!!!! And for only a single layer 9-inch cake. Crazy. My kids liked the cake too so they'll be getting for snack after school as well. Welcome to Martha Mondays!

  7. I'm thinking I'd really like. I like sour cream and brown butter glaze?! Come on! YUM, I say!

    Btw, I like your cake to frosting ratio...perfect!

  8. It was creamy melty sweet cake. That was hot! I remember my Grandmother used to bake me cake and it was also delicious, same as your cake.

  9. the cake looks delicious. Besides seeing all of the wonnderful treats you bake, I can't wait to see the crafts you make.

  10. I've seen many followers of the Martha Mondays and keep contemplating joining, but I am always so busy on Mondays. Looks like they have some delicious ideas and even recipes I could make on my own.

    I am a big fan of spice cakes so I may have to try this one out.

    Thanks for sharing it. Can't wait to keep seeing more of your Martha Monday's!

    Christine M.
