Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day!


  1. Oh my gosh, the kids and dogs on the trampoline-how fun!
    I was wondering how it was over your way, looks the same here. Roads were a MESS near our house last night.

  2. What a fun day! I sure wish we had a chance to skip school for that - and I love your dog (boxers are so much fun).

  3. Brrrr! I'm inside and now I have chills just from looking at your pics. It sure looks like they had fun!

  4. Kids (and dogs)and snow! a perfect mix. I work in an elementary school and they are all hoping for snow this weekend. I think we are still too far south and close to the Gulf though, but they are all wishing! Great pics!

  5. Kids love a snow day! Looks like they had a great time!

  6. I want a snow day! Love looking at all the pictures. Thanks for sharing a slice of your life.
    Your surprise is getting mailed today, come hell or high waters. ;)

  7. I want a snow day! Love looking at all the pictures. Thanks for sharing a slice of your life.
    Your surprise is getting mailed today, come hell or high waters. ;)

  8. Fun, fun, fun! You know there were actually places in FL that had snow flurries? Crazy, obviously they didn't stick but it was kinda neat.

    Stay warm!

  9. I love it when we get snow but I could do without the frigid temperatures. I've been freezing my butt off for the last few days and I never get cold!

  10. What is it about the trampoline? Mine were out jumping on it Thursday night! The snow was beautiful, but my poor little van looks horrible.

  11. My favorite is the picture of the kids and the snow on the trampoline. What a great picture!
