Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Chocolate Cream Pie

I love in the movie Julie and Julia where Julie says.."when you are having the worse day in the world and you can come home and know that if you mix chocolate with egg yolks and sugar that it will make chocolate cream pie and all is better" I know that is not word for word, but you get the picture. Saturday was just one of those days. It was cold, I didn't feel the best, needed to get laundry done...had to go try on bridesmaid dresses..yada, yada.... But, I remembered this and as you know being in the kitchen is my stress reliever. So, I came home, melted some chocolate, mixed with some egg yolks and sugar, heavy cream....and viola! Chocolate cream pie and it did make me feel a little better. It didn't get my laundry done though.

I used Dorie's recipe for Chocolate Cream Tart, I knew it would be a no fail recipe. And, well...I cheated a little, I used a frozen Pillsbury pie crust. Sometimes you just have to, ya know?

Over the holidays I did some thinking about the blog. I want to make a few changes. When I first started this blog, and really, up until now, it has been a baking blog. Who says that it has to stay that way, I mean, this is my little blog..so maybe I will start putting in some meal planning? I don't know. My daughter, Abby, wants a blog. She is 9. I'm thinking that she will be my guest blogger, every now and then. So, there are a few of my ideas.

Happy New Year! I hope it has started off with a great start!


  1. I just watched it this weekend, too! Such a good movie. The pie looks delicious. Oh how I wish I had that waiting in my kitchen.

    And its your blog babe, make all the changes you want. I think makeovers are uplifting. :)

  2. I also just watched this movie really recently. I've never actually made a chocolate cream pie, I'm a cake girl myself. Except pecan pie. I'll whip that up in a snap.

  3. Looks delish!
    And as for your blog, I think you should go with your gut feeling. I personally would be interested in reading meal planning and I also think baking (or other) from a 9 year old's perspective would be very entertaining. Neat idea!!

  4. Chocolate!!! Making (and eating) something chocolate always makes my day better.

    I'd love to read Abby's posts. :)

  5. Go for it,April. You can do anything you want. I would love to see Abbys posting and I want to lnow what your fixing for dinner. And chocolate pie would make me feel better. Even if I had to try on bridesmaid dresses. ;)

  6. Change is a good thing. I so enjoy your baking recipes, I know Id enjoy some savory as well..

    The chocolate cream pie looks delicious!

  7. I love the movie too - "No matter what happens in the kitchen, never apologize." "Be Fearless". I'd love to see some meal plans, especially healthy ones!

  8. Want to know something funny? I just made Dorie's chocolate cream pie today - and it definitely reminded me of that scene in the movie.

    Go Abby! Get that girl a blog and run with it!

  9. I still haven't seen that movie.

    My daughter (10) wants a (baking)blog, too. I think that's a GREAT idea to have them guest post.

    Btw, bummer about the laundry. That would have a cool trick. Happy New Year!

  10. This is the best answer I've ever seen to being...ya know. You make the best treats April!

  11. I loved this movie.... and your pie looks wonderful.

  12. I love that movie!!! And I would love this pie if I wasn't allergic..so I'll give my slice to Ben!

  13. I havent seen the movie yet but hopefully this weekend I will get around to watching it.

    I like the idea of change. I only post baking recipes but have too pondered adding other recipes as well.

    Would love to see your daughter be a guest blogger! How fun!

  14. Love that movie and love chocolate cream pie! I know what you mean about changing things up a bit. I'm doing that. I'm adding a weekly picture post to mine - just random pics of what happened the past week, etc....something different plus people get a glimpse into my (dull) life!!!!

  15. That chocolate cream pie looks just yummy!

  16. Oooh,that pie looks so so good. I loved themovie too. thanks for visiting my blog, I'll be back.

  17. I loved that part of the movie too! Recently made the same pie, different recipe [it's up on my blog] and every slice reminded me of the movie!

    P.S - While I love and only bake, it's your blog. You can do what you want with it :)

  18. This pie looks sinful, but i bet that it tastes heavenly.
