Tuesday, May 12, 2009

TWD- Tartest Lemon Tart

Yes, you read that right. I am back on again with the chics of Tuesdays with Dorie. I had started back in the day with Laurie and Michelle, and then it kept on growing, and growing to what it is now. Last Summer, life just happened, and there wasn't enough time to keep up with baking once a week, so I had to step out for a while. Now, I am back on and so excited to get back to baking. Not sure that my thighs are thanking me for this, though!

This week's recipe was chosen by Babette Feasts. I am really excited about it, because it is lemon. I had never made a tart like this though, you used the whole lemon. Just scrub and dry the lemon, cut it in half and remove the seeds and throw it into a blender or food processor. Then you add the rest of the ingredients. A one bowl recipe, gotta love it!
There was some talk about this tart being very tart and bitter, which brought up the question about using the pith of the lemon. Some people used it and others didn't. I chose to use it to see how it would turn out. My tart was not bitter at all, but was very tart. Now, if I am going to make a lemon dessert, I want it to be tart, so this tart made me happy! I also didn't make the nut crust, well, because, I didn't have any and I didn't want to go back to the store. But, I can see where this crust would be a fantastic base for this tart.
You can find the recipe of this tart on page 336 in BFMHTY, or you should be able to find it over at Babette's.
Next week, Fresh Mango Bread. I love mangoes, but really can't imagine it in bread. We'll see how it turns out.


  1. Oh my gosh! My eyes almost popped out when I saw the title to your post! I can't believe you re-joined, and I am so happy that you did!

    Welcome back!

    Oh, in my excitement, I almost forgot - the tart looks fantastic!

  2. Fabulous tart, and welcome back to TWD!

  3. This looks so yummy April.

    I made your cinnamon roll cake and my family devoured, yes devoured it! Thanks for a fabulous recipe!

  4. Mine bubbled over like a volcano, but it turned out fine after some doctoring :) A little bitter, but I don't think my lemons were of the best quality. DELICIOUS dough!

  5. Yours did just like mine... kinda caramelized on top! Did you happen to make your filling a bit in advance and let it sit on the counter like me???? LOL

    Nevertheless, I think it is beautiful, gives it some sort of rustic look! Very nice!

  6. Your tart looks amazing and sounds delicious. I love baking anything with lemon flavor.

  7. I love lemon anything!

    This looks so good!

  8. What exactly is Tuesdays with Dorie? I am out of the loop on that one!

    Glad you found me, so now I found you!

  9. Your tart looks beautiful. Welcome back!

  10. Welcome back. Delicious looking tart!

  11. My tart wasn't bitter either but I did wonder about using the lemon pith.

    Your tart has the gorgeous color and texture!!

  12. You chose a good week to come back! Welcome!! It is cool that you can use the whole lemon. Beats composting! :)
    Yours looks delicious!!

  13. I'll have to try this just because I'm so curios about the whole lemon. I've never done that. Looks fantastic!!!

  14. What a great looking tart. I just have to try this recipe from Dorie!

  15. More things for me to drool over now! :)

  16. Good to have you back! : ) Your tart looks great!

  17. Welcome back to TWD! Your lemon tart is perfect. I added raspberries, but will make it again without them.
