Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cinnamon Roll Cake

Let me start this off by saying that this will be the easiest, quickest, yummiest dessert that you will ever make! My MIL, Terry, made this for dessert one night after dinner and I had to have the recipe. Now, we all know that we will make only from scratch whenever we can, but ladies, sometimes we need the convenience of a box mix. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We all need little short cuts here and there.

If you love cinnamon rolls, you are gonna love this cake. Tastes just like them, only in cake form. You could even make the glaze into a cream cheese glaze, or an orange glaze...whatever glaze you like really, it can only get better.

Cinnamon Roll Cake

Yellow Cake Mix
4 eggs
¾ cup oil
1 cup sour cream

Mix by hand and pour in 13 x 9 greased baking pan.

1 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
Mix and pour over cake batter. Swirl into batter with knife.

Bake @ 325 for 40 minutes. Let cake cool 10 – 15 minutes before icing.

2 cups powdered sugar
4 tbsp milk

Pour over warm cake.


  1. This sounds rich and lovely. Sour cream makes ANY cake deliciously tender and moist. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  2. I have no problem using a cake mix! This looks easy, tasty, and I could see it becoming an all time favorite! Thanks Terry and April! :)

  3. Wow, that looks so tasty. Any time you combine "cinnamon rolls" and "cake" you're bound to get something delicious.

  4. Goodness April, I have all of the ingredients in my pantry. I am going to try this tonight!

  5. Oh does that sound good. Cinnamon rolls are popular in my house so I think this will go over big too! I plan on trying it soon! Love using cake mixes....they are fun!

  6. I made a recipe similar to that years ago but it was called Honey Bun Cake. No matter the name, it's just super delicious and very quick to put together!

  7. What a great treat! Looks easy too!

  8. This sounds right up my alley, I love delicious quick cakes like these..

  9. Hey, no shame in taking a shortcut. I'm all about it from time to time--especially when it produces such amazing results like this. This cake looks amazing. And I do love love love cinnamon rolls, so I can't wait to try this cake!

  10. I definitely have times when I can use a shortcut, and this looks wonderful!

  11. must be the week of cinnamon bc i am planning a cinnamon bun/muffin cross breed today LOL
    looks yummy :)

  12. I'm new to the world of baking.. can anybody tell me how you would make the icing a cream cheese icing? I plan on trying this cake recipe as soon as possible. I think my family, especially my hubby, will LOVE it!

  13. NEVERMIND! I just found it on this site. If only I had been a little more patient.. thanks!

  14. I think I might just have it for dinner...

  15. Thanks for visitng my blog. Just go to cookinglight and look under supper clubs and you may find one to join in your area. I started my own when I moved back East and I just posted the day and time and asked for people within a 20 min drive from my home and BINGO people signed up. I have done this for years and it works and is so much fun. I hope you try it since you like to bake too.

  16. My children adore cinnamon rolls, so this would be a fabulous treat for them. I have nor qualms using boxed cake mix as an ingredient!

    Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  17. Thanks for commenting on my blog!
    I love the stuff you make. This cake looks sooo good! I'll have to try it soon and report back.

  18. I made this cake a few nights ago. Everyone in my family, even my 3 and 6 year old, loved it. The cake was very moist and the brown sugar/cinnamon mixture was a little crispy. Just perfect! Not to mention the house smelled amazing as the cake was cooking. The best thing was I had all the ingredients on hand.

  19. I am totally with you! Sometimes the convenience of a box mix is needed! Great looking cake!

  20. Made it, loved it! Thank you!

  21. This cake is making the rounds in the blogosphere! Looks sooooo delicious!

  22. Made this to take into a school function and everyone loved - thank you!

  23. Mmmm... this is looking awesome. I have to eat. I will try it today.

  24. So I have made this cake 3 times in the past week. Each time it is a big hit. I made it over the weekend but found out that I didnt have any sour cream. So instead of going to the store I just used a full cup of oil and hoped for the best. I also sprinkled in a few choc chips, bc choc makes everything better. They turned out great. It was more like a brownie than a cake but still super good and moist! I will definalty put this on my lis of favs!

  25. I'm so glad I found this recipe! My boyfriend loves cinnamon rolls so I promised I would make him a cinnamon roll cake for his birthday and to be dreadfully honest I was terrified at the notion. I was expecting to make one huge cinnamon roll but this recipe saved the day! Thank you so much! I just took the cake out of the oven and it smells delicious =)

  26. Omg! I'm glad i saw this! My boyfriend absolutely loves cinnamon rolls as well, but he's more of the body building type of guy so he doesnt like to eat roll by roll. I just bought a can of Pillsbury Grands big cinnamon roll & i was thinking maybe i could unwravel the single cinnamon rolls, stick them together, then roll it back up to make a larger cinnamon ! Or like a cake if i could say, but the only problem is that i wouldnt know how long to bake it for! :(

  27. So Good!!!! We made two of these tonight, one for a birthday gift and another because once we started making we realized we needed one at home too!!!

    Thanks for the recipe:)

  28. Oh, one last thing. We added cinnamon chips (seasonal around here) to the mix. Made it a bit richer and super yummy!!!

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  30. This was soo awesome!! I took it to our small group and there were only 3 pieces left!!!
