Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Strawberries and Cream Cookies

These cookies are from A Passion for Baking by Marcy Goldman. This is probably my second or third recipe that I have made from it. My cookies don't really look the ones in the book and some of the reason is because my dried strawberries were more brownish, and not bright red. I looked everywhere for dried strawberries and happened to come across them at Ingles, and they were $5 per bag, and mind you, that bag was not very big.

The recipe says to roll the dough out to 1/2 and cut out into 2 inch rounds. I used the cookie cutter, but don't think that it would make a difference, as they did spread. These cookies turned into thin and crispy, but still chewy in the middle. I think next time, I won't roll them out, I will just use my little cookie scoop and see how they turn out. This cookie is basically a shortbread dough with the dried strawberries and white chocolate for the cream. I give these cookies a thumbs up!

Strawberries and Cream Cookies
By: Marcy Goldman

3/4 cup sugar
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp vanilla
1 Tbsp whipping cream
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup minced white chocolate
3/4 cup dried strawberries, coarsely chopped

You can order dried strawberries online from, if you can't find them near you.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Stack two baking sheets together and line top with parchment paper.

In a mixer bowl, combine sugar and butter on low speed until well blended. Then add flour, vanilla, cream, and salt and blend well. When almost blended into a dough, add white chocolate and dried strawberries, mixing by hand to incorporate and make a firm dough.

Knead dough gently on a lightly floured work surface about 1 minute to make dough more firm and get it to hold together. Flatten dough into a disk, wrap well, and refrigerate 30 minutes.

Roll out gently about 1/2 inch thick and cut into small round cookies, about 2 inches in diameter.

Place on prepared baking sheets. Place in oven and immediately reduce oven temp to 300 degrees. Bake until lightly browned around edges, about 15-20 minutes.


  1. Those look awesome. I never even thought to put chopped up fruit in a cookie!

    I've actually seen dried strawberries at the farmer's market, but never at grocery stores, just in case anyone else is looking for them

  2. These look really good. Would have to find dried strawberries..

  3. I will have to look for dried strawberries, Id love to try these. Ive never had a cookie with strawberries before!

  4. These sound awesome. i'm thinking you found your baking mojo cuz now I can barely keep up with you! I'm glad! :)

  5. These look yummy. Going to go and look for whatever dried fruits I can find

  6. Oh those look good. Dried strawberries sound delicious in the cookies!!

  7. Did Fresh Market have dried strawberries. I'm sure theirs would be pricey too. These sound wonderful and I'm on a strawberry kick.

  8. You can never go wrong with strawberrries and cream can you? The cookies look great! :)

  9. Mmm, these cookies look super delicious! Man oh man, who doesn't love strawberries and cream--especially when it's all in one cookie?! How fabulous!

  10. these are looking good i also copy mostly edible arrangements specialy in dipped strawberries i like it most

  11. I have a passion for those cookies....

  12. Well, they still look delicious. And I love strawberries! So I'd probably eat these cookies rolled or scooped. :D Thanks for sharing the recipe.
