Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Apple Strudel for the Daring Bakers

The May Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Linda of make life sweeter! and Courtney of Coco Cooks. They chose Apple Strudel from the recipe book Kaffeehaus: Exquisite Desserts from the Classic Cafés of Vienna, Budapest and Prague by Rick Rodgers.
This was not one that turned out for me. Strudel has been on my wanting to make list for a really long time and I was eager to try it. I didn't have any problems with stretching the dough paper thin, it didn't get as big as it should have, but stretching went just fine. Put it in the oven to bake, let it sit for 30 minutes..sliced it. My dough was really tough. It didn't want to slice and couldn't really chew it. My kids threw theirs in the garbage. But, hey, I tried it, know how to stretch this dough and hopefully it will turn out better on the next try. This is the reason that I stay with the Daring Bakers, to push myself to try things that are difficult, and some that are not so much. Now, bring on June!


  1. My first one, the sweet version, was good; however, my second strudel was tough as well...maybe I handled it too much, don't know! Yours LOOKS great anyway.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. :-(
    I wish they turned out well. Any idea what went wrong?

  4. How odd that it didn't taste so good. It looks perfect.

  5. My first one was terrible but I'm so glad I did it again. The mushroom one was to die for. Wonder why yours was so tough. I know why my first one was so bad. You could telll before I even started stretching.

  6. sorry you had troubles! Hopefully next month will work out better!

  7. Oh no, the trash? That sucks because it looks great! I had trouble getting mine as large as it was "supposed to be" too - but I loved it nonetheless!

  8. Your strudel really looks good. I don't know a whole lot about pastry dough, do you know why your dough was tough?

  9. Bummer that it didn't work out but kudos for you for trying it and being willing to give it another go! It DID look good!

  10. Sounds like my very first DB challenge. I was so frustrated with it! But you are a super baker and I know you'll make this work again.

  11. that's a shame. Mine wasnt as light as I would have liked, but was ok

  12. You want I should rough it up for dissapointing you? You know I'll kick some strudel tail for ya if you give the word.

    *nods all intimidating while thwacking rolling pin against palm*

  13. It's never good when something you made goes into the trash, but kudos for even attempting it! I came so close to not even trying this one. At least you can say, been there, done that! On to the next challenge!

  14. Hey--trying it is what counts! Your strudel certainly looks pretty, and it sounds like you had an easy time working with the dough.

  15. Your strudel looks like it was delicious. I can feel for you too, though. I wasn't happy with how mine turned out either. The texture was all wrong. I don't think I did it incorrectly. The recipe might not have been the best.

  16. No worries on the tough strudel dough, hopefully it tasted delicious. Anyways, your strudel looks super tasty! Way to go!
