Saturday, March 28, 2009

Doughnut Muffins

First off, I really hope that blogger decides to separate my paragraphs, it is really starting to bug me!

Ok, now that I have that off of my chest, let's get to these muffins. Saturday mornings are normally pretty lazy mornings for me and the kids. I try to make muffins, pancakes, or cinnamon toast. Sometimes we stick to the normal bowl of cereal, but for the most part, I try to make something. I had seen these muffins make their way around the blogosphere and really wanted to try them. This was the perfect Saturday morning to try them. These muffins are really good. Nice and fluffy, with the cinnamon sugar topping. They were exactly what we needed on this rainy morning!

Doughnut Muffins
3 cups flour
3/4 cups sugar, plus 1/8 cup of sugar
1/2 tbs. plus 1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 tsp. vanilla
2 large eggs
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup heavy cream

For Topping
1/4 cup butter, more if needed
1 cups sugar
1 tbs. ground cinnamon

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a standard muffin pan with muffin cups.

2. In a large bowl, cream the butter and the sugar. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, until just mixed in. In another bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Combine the vanilla, milk and heavy cream, in a different bowl.

3. With a spoon, mix a quarter of the dry ingredients into the butter mixture. Then mix in a third of the milk mixture. Continue mixing in the remaining dry and wet ingredients alternately, ending with the dry. Mix until well combined and smooth, but don't over mix.

4. Scoop enough batter into each tin so that the top of the batter is even with the rim of the cup, about 1/2 cup. Bake the muffins until firm to the touch, about 25-30 minutes.

5. To finish, Melt the butter for the dipping mixture in a small bowl. Combine the sugar and cinnamon in another bowl. When the muffins are just cool enough to handle, remove them from the tin, dip them into or brush them all over with the melted butter, and then roll them in the cinnamon sugar.


  1. It looks like blogger cooperated with you. If you need the code to make the paragraphs separate, then e-mail me. If I leave it in a comment, it will show up as a space. Your recipe sounds delicious. I'm off to copy it now! :O)

  2. I have that same problem, it won't seperate my paragraphs either. Thanks for the recipe. A lady at work made these and they are wonderful. Too wonderful to share the recipe apparently. Now I have it. Thanks.

  3. Yowza, these look delicious. Breakfast tomorrow maybe? I'll have to check that I have everything. Thanks for posting! -e

  4. I have made something similar before and I love them.. your version is slightly different, Ill have to try it next time.

  5. This is a family favorite at my house as well. Try making minis! They are the best for little kiddos and are so fun to pop in your mouth! Yours look absolutely devine!

  6. That's the best looking version I've come across - so maybe I'll go whip those up now for the kids.

  7. These do look pretty darn tasty!!! Love the cinnamony sugar topping.

  8. These donut muffins look absolutely fabulous!! Mmm, the perfect breakfast treat. In fact, I just might have to make them right now!

  9. mmmm I have wanted to make these for ages but have never quite got around to it

  10. The doughnuts look delicious. I have my share of problems with Blogger too. For whatever reason since I have Windows vista now it will not put in blogger links correctly. I can add other links but no blogger ones...they say those links don't exist. Don't have a clue what this could be....

  11. Note to self - go to April's house on Saturday mornings for breakfast!

    April these look so delicious and as for doens't searate my paragraphs either or if if does, it separates them way too much!

  12. About blogger -- I have the same problem. You can read your html before you publish to fix the problem. I usually wait till my post is published, then I read it for errors, go back into blogger and make corrections. Blogger is a pain in the neck but it's free.
    Love your recipe. Doughnut Muffins sound great.

  13. doughnuts + muffin = MOUTHGASM!
    as for separating the paragraphs, you press shift then enter. do you use windows live writer?

  14. I'm having the same problem with wordpress. I can't figure it out.

  15. now if that isnt a dream come true i dont know what is!

  16. Interesting. A muffin and a donut rolled into one.

    By the way, you're on Blogger, right? If you want to have your paragraph separated, you should type on Edit HTML space. Remember to separate the paragraphs, so once you click on Compose, you'll see that the paragraphs are separate already. That way you don't have to put HTML tags just to separate the paragraphs. :) Hope that helps.
