Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Apple Crumb Top Pie with Whole Wheat Crust

I love aprons. I love the designs, I love how they make you feel when you put them on. I love the nostalgia of them. I almost feel like June Cleaver when I wear them. Today was one of those days. It was cloudy and a little chilly, I needed something warming, something to warm the soul. So, I came home and donned my newest apron that was given to me by a good friend. So, my apron and I set out to make apple pie.

This is just not some regular pie. This pie is a little healthier, made with a whole wheat crust and a whole wheat crumb topping, I didn't feel so bad with a scoop of caramel swirl ice cream on top.

I saw this recipe over at Fun Foods on a Budget and have been wanting to make this ever since. The instructions on the crust are different from pie crusts that I have made before. This crust is mixed right in the pie plate. I loved it, one less bowl to clean!

Apple Crumble Pie with Whole Wheat Crust


1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

1/2 cup cooking oil

3/4 tsp. salt

2 tbsp. sugar

2 tbsp. cold water or milk


1/2 cup sugar

2 tbsp. flour

6 cups thinly sliced, peeled cooking apples

3 tbsp. lemon juice

1 tsp cinnamon

Crumb Topping:

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup flour

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/4 tsp. ground ginger

1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg

1/4 cup butter or margarine

To make crust: Dump flour in an ungreased pie plate. Add the oil, salt, and sugar, and stir well. Pour in the water or milk, and mix with a fork into a stiff dough. Press into shape in the pie plate. Set aside (or if you need a baked crust for an unbaked pie: bake at 350 for 10 to 12 minutes).

In a mixing bowl stir together 1/2 cup sugar and 2 tbsp. flour; set aside. Sprinkle apple slices with lemon juice. Toss apples with sugar mixture to coat. Turn apples into pastry-lined pie plate.

Combine the crumb topping dry ingredients. Cut in the butter or margarine till crumbly; sprinkle atop the apple slices.Bake pie at 375 for 1 hour or till topping is golden. Serve pie warm with vanilla ice cream!


  1. I love the apron! I'm like you I love wearing them but mainly they save my blouses. I have two organza aprons my Mom gave me that she received as wedding shower gifts. Ya'll have have to come over for supper sometime so I can wear my fancy apron!

    The apple pie looks delicious! The whole wheat crust sounds great.

  2. I love your apron! Polkadots are my favorite!! And you're right: there's a certain nostalgia in putting on an apron. And, can we talk about this pie?! How delicious. I love that it's "healthed" up a bit, too. How delicious!

  3. Hi Abby,

    I came across your blog and see that you love to bake! I'm not sure if you ever bake with yogurt, but Stonyfield Farm makes Oikos Organic Greek yogurt that is great for baking and cooking with. It's triple strained, making it extra thick and more versatile than regular yogurt. Oikos is also the only organic Greek yogurt on the market today.

    I'd love to send you some free coupons to give Oikos a try. If you're interested just shoot me an email at Kdrociak@stonyfield.com and let me know where to send them, along with the name of your blog.

    Take care,

  4. Love the apron and the pie looks delicious!

  5. Cute apron - I have so many but never put them on. I should, because inevitably I spill something on myself!

    Anyways, I am going to try that pie crust for my next pie - it seems easy enough and hey, I even have whole wheat flour!

  6. AWESOME apron, I love it.. Your apple pie sounds wonderful with the whole wheat topping, delicious!!

  7. The apron is adorable. I love polka dots...! The pie sounds really good and I like the idea making the crust in the pan!

  8. oh yeah! whole wheat makes this dessert way less sinful!
    Love how you healthified this classic dessert, and love the apron too!

  9. I love you. I love this pie. I need this pie. I'm coming over.

  10. I love aprons, why don't we wear them anymore?? This pie looks so good April, I've never seen a pie crust you make in the pan!

  11. Your apron is darling! I wear an apron everyday at work but have nothing as cute as that. I'm liking this pie idea. I'll have to put it on *The List*! ;) Hey, I'm getting some yogurt too!

  12. I have aprons and they sit - except for Christmas cooking days - you are making me inspired to get it out and enjoy - relish ion cooking! And the apple pie - looks scumprtious.

  13. I keep looking at this pie and drooling...

  14. That apron is just too adorable! love it!!! And the apple crumb.. mmmmmmm!!!!

  15. Everyone is talking about the apron and how your pie looks good.
    I thought I would actually talk about your recipe. Firstly, my husband likes to eat healthy and asked me to make apple pie with whole wheat flour. I came across this when googling and tried it. It is so easy and so delicious. Thank you for the recipe. I have one of these in the oven as we speak.
