Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chocolate Pots de Creme

If you need something really chocolaty and quick, here you go! The hubby said that it tastes like cold brownie batter. This recipe made 5 six oz ramekins.

Chocolate Pots de Creme:

8 egg yolks
1 cup whole milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup semi sweet chocolate, melted-- I used chocolate chips

Mix the egg yolks and sugar until mixed and pale in color in a heat proof bowl. Bring the milk to a boil and pour 1/4 of it into the egg mixture to temper the eggs. Gradually whisk in the rest of the milk. Add the melted butter and mix until all combined. Pour into your ramekins and put into a roasting pan. I used a 9x13 inch pan. Pour water in the pan, until it reaches half way up the ramekins. This will make a water bath. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Cool until room temperature or put into the refrigerator. I liked it cold, but I am sure that it is just as good at room temp.


  1. My girls would love this, especially when I tell them it tastes like brownie batter. I may just try this tonight.

  2. What a great quick and easy dessert. I agree with Carla, Cold brownie batter, I'm in!

  3. Oooh, anything that tastes like brownie batter is a winner to me!

  4. I have been dreaming of pots de creme for a few weeks now. No joke! Thanks for the recipe :)

  5. I tried this recipe and it's absolutely terrific! Thanks for sharing and inspiring me!

  6. It looks like a flourless chocolate cake - I better not make them!!

    must stay on diet, must stay on diet, must stay on diet..................

  7. Love making this stuff for guests. So easy to make and can be made ahead.
