Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Blackberry Jam

I am told that my great grandmother was very domesticated. She always made fried pies, or a cake from scratch. Every day there was something sweet that she had made. She quilted, embroidered, made jams. I guess that is where I get it from. My mom and nanny and mamaw do not like to do any of the above. But me, I want to make stuff everyday. I can't get enough of it. Right now, the thing that I am just can't get enough of is jam making. I have made peach, apple pie, pear honey and now blackberry jam. I am going pear picking tonight, so next will be pear honey and hopefully sugar free pear butter. I love the feel of accomplishment when I have cooked the fruit, poured into the jars, topped with a lid and left to cool, and when they have completely cooled, flip the jars over and the lids are sealed. It is almost as if my great grandmother is right there beside me giving me tips on how to do this stuff, although I have never met her.
So, here is a WELCOME FALL treat, blackberry jam! Do you have a favorite that you make? Let me know! Also, Molly at Batter Spattered is hosting her 2nd Jam/Jelly Exchange and last years was alot of fun, so if you want to swap a jar of homemade jam check her out and sign up! Also, if you have any tips on canning, well anything, send them my way. I would appreciate it!!

Blackberry Jam
2 lbs of blackberries
4 cups sugar
pinch of salt
2 Tbsp vinegar
Put all ingredients in large pot and bring to a boil. Boil for 15-20 minutes or until your thermometer reads 220 degrees. Pour into your jars and top with lids. Flip jars on top of lids and let cool. When completely cool, flip them over and the jars should be sealed.


  1. Pear honey sounds most delicious, even though I haven't a clue as to what it is! As I was googleing a recipe for beach plum jam (we picked a TON last week!) your post came over the transom. Have fun--gosh I love blackberry jam too!

  2. This looks so good! I've always wanted to make my own jam :)

  3. Blackberry jam sounds great! I just finished some peach jam (that didn't set too well) that I stirred some cocoa nibs into. Tomorrow I'm making ginger plum jam.

  4. All I've done so far this year is strawberry rhubarb. I want to make all kinds, but we don't eat a lot of jam. Maybe I'll go crazy and give them away for Christmas this year!

  5. Yum!
    I've been wanting to make homemade jam. Yours looks beautiful and tasty!

  6. You are so domesticated. Really. Fried pies? Never heard of them. But it sure sounds good!!

    I love fresh pears. Just LOVE them. Pear honey sounds great. Of course, I've never heard of that either - I'm smart, I swear!!

  7. Well I for one am so glad you have your great grandmothers love of baking and making jams cause this looks incredible!! My sister makes jams, this is something I haven't tried yet....yet!

  8. First, Happy Blogaversary! And WOW, your jam, cake, eclairs and cookies are to die for. You have been busy and I am drooling getting caught up on your blog.

  9. Your way ahead of me in the jam department. I made plum that didn't jell and your chocolate strawberry. But this fall...
