Friday, July 11, 2008

Who is the Cupcake Hero, melon edition.....

I know that it is almost the middle of July, and the July's theme for Cupcake Hero has been announced, and I am just now getting to the winner of June's Cupcake Hero challenge, but to my own defense, you cupcakers out there really know how to rise up to the challenge and I have been baking and test tasting, baking and test get the picture, right?

I had been wanting to make cupcakes using cantaloupe, but just really couldn't think of how to,(it is not like melon is a common used ingredient) so when Laurie and the CH staff decided to take the Summer off and was asking for volunteers to host, I thought that this would be a great way to see what variations you guys would come up with. You guys really put on your cupcake creativity and brought it! A HUGE Thank you to those who participate!

With that said, let the Melon round up begin...

First we have the Summer Cantelope Cupcake from Mary at Shazam in the Kitchen. Not liking melon at all, Mary remember a cantaloupe salad that she had tried for inspiration. Thanks Mary!

Next, we have Melon Yoghurt Honey Mint Cakes from Tammy at Wee Treats by Tammy. Again, not a melon lover and the fact that it is the middle of winter where she it, but rose to the challenge using a smoothie as her cupcake creation!

Clara from I heart Cuppycakes, skipped the whole melon all together and went straight to the melon booze for her cuppycake. May I present to you the Midori Melon Mojito Cupcakes. BTW, she is having a giveaway on her blog, go and check it out!

Here we have the Heroism cupcake from Funky at The Meatless Chulent. She went straight to the watermelon for her melon of choice. Complete with chocolate chip "seeds".
Tommi from Brown Interior created the Melon cupcake. Simple and refreshing. Thanks Tommi.

How about a Rock my Melon cupcake from Minko at Couture Cupcake? Why not! Topped with a lemon frosting, tastes like summer!

Now, this one was a learning experience for me a Honey melon cupcake with a quark cream filling with a lemon honey melon glaze. I first that that quark was a fruit that I had never heard of! Yes, you can laugh with me! This is from Laura at The Dessert nook.
Sophie from Flour Arrangements created, summer in a cupcake, Watermelon Cocktail Cupcakes with Cherry Vanilla Frosting.

Roy from It Ought to be Enjoyed baked up Cinnamon cupcakes with Canteloupe Buttercream.

Here we have the cupcake creation from Mara from Lick the Spatula. This chick not only used 1 type of melon, but 3 for her Triple Melon Cupcakes.

Now, Robert from Amicus Cupcake, got a little cantaloupe happy, and made me 2 different cupcakes! First we have Cantaloupe Cupcakes filled with cantaloupe curd and topped with salted caramel frosting with candied prosciutto and below is the Cantaloupe and Matcha Cupcakes with a Cantaloupe and Matcha Swiss Meringue Butter Cream frosting. I wasn't sure about the candied prosciutto, but surprisingly like it! You never know when you will learn something new! Thanks, Robert!
Are you still with me? I still have a few more to show you!

How about a blueberry cupcake with honey dew cream cheese frosting? That is what I got from Erin with Sweets and Eats. Made with her homemade vanilla!

Amanda from DelightfulLea Sweet, came up with Summer Cakes. That is exactly what these are Summer in a cupcake form!

Thayer from I like Cake baked up a Cantaloupe Cupcake with a honey melon buttercream! Thanks Thayer!

Jamieanne from The Cupcake Review concocted a Watermelon cupcake. This little cupcake looks like a slice of that sweet fruit!
Finally, Suzy Q-zy from Feeds an Obsession came up with a Blueberry cupcake with a Cantaloupe Cream cheese frosting.

Wow! A total of 21 entries, this went way over what I expected! Picking a winner was really hard, I don't know how the CH staff do it each month! Now, on to the winner....

The Cupcake Hero for June is... Janna from Honeyed Hashette with her Coconut Cream cupcakes with Cantaloupe Buttercream! I will let Laurie and the CH staff know.


  1. Wow what a beautiful roundup! Congratulations to Janna!

  2. Oh how exciting, Janna will be so happy!!! I loved her sliced melon disks. And are a ROCKSTAR for getting those entries done so quickly, seriously!!!! Thank YOU for guest hosting!

  3. What a wonderful bunch of cupcakes. Great work everyone! Thanks for hosting Abby.

  4. Aw! Shucks! I can't believe it!
    Abby, thank you SO much for hosting and SO much for getting a winner selected so quickly. You did a great job! I am honored to be June's Cupcake Hero. :)

  5. I want a re-taste! HAHA! Congrats to Janna! Thanks for hosting this month, April. Great job!

  6. Wow, what a beautiful round up of melon cupcakes. I was waiting to see what everyone came up with. Great job!

  7. I'm in awe of the amount of talent that's represented in your roundup. Amazing and with an ingredient that I wouldn't have a clue how to use. Oh boy, more interesting blogs to go to.

  8. Great roundup! So many cupcakes to little time.

  9. Great roundup~ sorry I'm so slow to the show but I'm on vacay after all, heh.
    Hope you got your fill on the melon cupcakes~ I loved the melon theme idea so thanks for encouraging so many clever cucpake creations!!
