Thursday, July 10, 2008

Baking Beauties Bingo Package..

Wow! Say that 3 times fast! Ok, so I am such a slacker! I should have posted about this weeks ago! A little while back, I played Baking Beauties Bingo which was hosted by the lovely beauties themselves, Dawn and Jeanine. This lasted for 4 weeks, the first 3 weeks you had to get bingo in a certain form, and the 4th week was the blackout board week. Surprisingly, I won that week, so, I received 2 prizes. One from Dawn and one from Jeanine. So, Thank you girls for putting up a wonderful event! I hope that you do it again! And Thanks for the wonderful prizes. And, please, pretty please forgive me for taking so long to post about it!

First, here is the flirty apron that Jeanine made. I hate pics of myself, but the good thing about this is, I am now 10 pounds lighter!! And, I absolutely LOVE this apron!!!

This is what came in the box with the apron, 2 potholders, and little notebook that was hand embellished and the thing (not sure what it is called) that you put plastic bags in. I guess it would be called a plastic bag holder. :)

In my second box, there were recipe cards, flavored teas, 3 handmade cards (that I just can't bear to give away because they are precious!) A magnet notepad, a recipe book that was handmade, cake tester and mini spatulas. I think that was it! Thank you girls so much!!


  1.'re VERY welcome! :) I'm so glad that you played. And that skirt is SO cute on you (and way to go on the 10 do you do that AND blog food at the same time?? lol )

  2. 10 pounds? And you make all these great goodies! How? How? Tell me How! I want to do that about 3 or 4 times. LOL Nice packages and thanks for the pics.

  3. Wow - congrats on the 10 pounds!! And what a cute apron!

  4. Wow, you go girl! I am glad that all your goodies arrived, and I hope that you can put them all to use. Enjoy!
