Friday, July 18, 2008

Is it true?

I am totally excited! Remember these? Well, the CH staff, just posted the May Cupcake Hero, and guess who was named? You guessed! I have won tons of things from drawings, or bingo, or guessing the correct dessert, but this is the first that I have won from a recipe. Each month a theme is named, and then the CH staff works their butt off to choose a winner. You never really realize what a job it is until you are put in their shoes, or should I say kitchen.
A huge thanks to Laurie, Leigh, Joy, and Tempered Woman for the baking that they do each month and choosing just 1 to declare the Cupcake Hero. There are so many talented bakers in out there! So, now you may be asking, do you get anything other than the pride for this? And for this month the answer is yes! It has been said that I will receiving a prize pack from Askinosie. Unfortunately, I have never used this brand before, so I am super excited about it! If you haven't tried this stuff, I hear that it is the "mac daddy" of all cocoa and get your butt over there and get some for yourself!
Don't forget about July's Cupcake hero hosted by the lovely ladies Clara and Nikki. So, go ahead start thinking Red, White, and Blue!


  1. Congratulations! Those cupcakes looked so great! I am so happy happy happy for you!!

    Can't wait to see what you do with the chocolate you receive as your prize!!

  2. Congrats April! I did send your email info on to Shawn@Askinosie. Let me know if you do not hear from him. I am sure you will. And I hope you love their chocolate as much as I do.

    Thanks again for hosting CH in June. xoxo

  3. Congrats!! Well deserved indeed! and thanks for being our PR for July CH. You rock!

  4. YEA!! for April. The cuppys look tasty. I love the platter you have them on. Chocolate is the perfect prize. :)

  5. I just read about it!! So exciting!! Congrats!!! :D

  6. That is super great news! Congrats. I am going to enter this month for the very first time. Super excited. I am interested in the cocoa too. Might have to order some myself, I have been hinting to the hubby but no packages have arrived :(

  7. Congrats you Cupcake Hero you! Your cupcakes were beautiful!

  8. Congrats, April! That is awesome! You deserve it, enjoy your cocoa! :)

  9. congratulations on your win! i saw your entry and i'm not surprised you won they are lovely!

  10. WooHoo!! I am so happy you were chosen. I remember the first time I looked at those cupcakes, they looked like Heaven to me. You really do deserve big kuddos, I'm so happy for you. Keep us posted on the cocoa - PLEASE.

  11. Hey April - I've tagged you! Check out my blog for the details!

  12. Umm.. they were yummy! Congratz!

  13. Hi April - we tagged your daughter for the random facts meme. Please see our blog for details! We hope she plays along!

  14. congratulations upon winning! can't wait to see ur entry for the upcoming cupcake hero!
