Monday, July 21, 2008

Doughnut making with Blake

This is my son Blake, and he is 10 years old. For this week of baking with my kids, Blake chose doughnuts. This recipe came from A Passion for Baking by Marcy Goldman. The description in the book said that these were almost exactly like Krispy Kreme. She was completely right. They taste just like them. The only problem that Blake and I ran into was that this dough was really, really sticky. I used the 5 cups of flour and then needed more. So, alot of our doughnuts looked like fritters and not round. Actually, only 2 or 3 ended up round! But that was ok, they still tasted great and we will try them again.
Mixing the ingredients, before putting on the dough hook...
Oh, and how could I forget this part. Our dough did not rise! I am not sure if my yeast was old or what..but no rising action here with the dough. Oh well, we deep fried them anyways..

After frying them, drain them and then dip them in the butter glaze and you have this...

The verdict? Very good! They didn't last long!

Homemade Franchise-Style Doughnuts


1/4 cup warm water (100-110 degrees F)

2 Tbsp rapid-rise yeast

1 1/2 cups warm water

2/3 cup sugar

1 1/4 tsp salt

2 eggs

1/3 cup shortening

5 cups, approximately, all-purpose flour

Vegetable oil or shortening, for frying

In a mixer bowl, hand-whisk warm water and yeast together and let stand 2-3 minutes to dissolve yeast. Briskly whisk in milk, sugar, salt, and eggs and blend. Add shortening and most of flour and blend. Then knead with a dough hook on low speed only until smooth (it is not necessary to knead this dough a long time.)

Remove dough hook and spray dough lightly with nonstick cooking spray. Cover entire mixer and bowl with a large clear plastic bag. Let dough rise 50-60 minutes or until almost doubled. Turn dough onto a lightly floured work surface and gently deflate. Roll to 1/2 inch thickness and , using a doughnut cutter,cut into doughnuts. Cover doughnuts loosely with plastic wrap and let rise 20-40 minutes.

Heat vegetable oil or shortening in a fryer (or wok) to 350 degrees F. Slide in doughnuts, a few at a time, and fry about 1 minute per side. Remove from oil onto a wire rack set over parchment paper.

Creamy Butter Glaze:

1/2 cup butter

2 cups powdered sugar

1 1/2 tsp vanilla

4-6 Tbsp hot water

1 ounce semisweet chocolate, melted, optional

For Creamy Butter Glaze:

Melt butter and then whisk it in a medium bowl with powdered sugar,vanilla, and hot water. Smear doughnuts in glaze.

For Chocolate Glaze, if desired, add 1 ounce melted chocolate to one entire recipe of Butter Glaze. Smear doughnuts in chocolate glaze.


  1. yeast donut making is something I haven't done yet. i've always been alittle nervous about it. but blake you did a great job and have encouraged me to do it. thank you!!

  2. I think you and your son did a great job on the doughnuts. I know those wouldn't last long at my house either. Congrats on your new award, you deserve it!

  3. Making doughnuts is on my "learn to do" list - I've seen this recipe before - but have not attempted them. They look delicious!

    Maybe I'll get the kids to do the work! There is a Krispy Kreme shop not too far from our home and it takes alot of willpower to stay away, especially when the "baking" lamp is on!

  4. Looks yummmie,
    I like to make donuts.

  5. Oh YUMMM!!! Those look delicious! Way to go, Blake!

  6. wow those look crazy tasty! i keep wanting to try and make baked donuts... just haven't had the time... I should do that soon!

  7. Blake is so funny! Wonder what Shane will come up with? I can't wait until we get back from the beach and me and Taylor get to try something! I'll have to get Blake to make us some breakfast! :)

  8. Those look fantastic. Its lunch time and I'm sooo hungry. Maybe I should run to Krispy Kreme to hold me over till I can find time to make these. :) Good job, Blake!!!

  9. I'll have you know that I am currently employed as a "donut fryer" at the local grocery and I think your donuts look really delicious. My donuts don't always come out round either. Well unless they're the kind we get already cut out and frozen. Well done!

  10. fantastic! Isn't it fun!

  11. I think I would have chosen doughnuts too - great choice! ANd they look so delicious!
