Monday, January 18, 2010

Trail Mix

This stuff is truly addicting! I made this last week and it only lasted 3 days! My kids loved it, the hubby liked it, and I loved it. I saw this chic on Foodtv make it, on the show that only uses 5 ingredients. I checked out the recipe online and read the reviews, they were all good reviews, went out to buy the stuff and made it. It was simple and didn't take alot of time at all. And, hey, it's healthy for you!

My husband is leaving for Haiti sometime this weekend. He is the 3rd group that will be rotating to go from our church. The first group leaves tomorrow. I am not sure what the plan is, they probably don't know until they get there, but I do know that they will be up in the mountains, not in PAP. Our church "adopted" and orphanage in Coq Chante, that housed 18 girls. The youngest, Atanie, didn't make it out. She was 4. The orphanage is destroyed. Here are a couple of pics.
Before the quake:
And after..

Even when these girls have lost everything, they are still joyful. They are scared, but it amazes me how they just continue to go. I am asking that you pray for safety for these guys that are going to help,and also all the relief workers that are there and will be going.

Ok, so back to this trail is super yummy, healthy, filling and addicting. I am making more this week! I think that you could probably use any type of dried fruit that you want, but I liked the tartness of the cranberries.

Cranberry Trail Mix
2 cups baby pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
1 cup slivered almonds
3/4 cup raw sunflower seeds
6 tablespoons pure Grade B maple syrup
Coarse salt
1 cup dried cherries or cranberries

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats.
In a large bowl, toss the pumpkin seeds, almonds, and sunflower seeds and the syrup until evenly coated. Spread the nuts and seeds out, in an even single layer, on the lined baking sheets and season with salt to taste. Bake the nuts, stirring several times with spatula or wooden spoon, until just golden, about 20 minutes.
Cool the nuts completely on the pan, then add the cherries and toss to combine. Store cooled trail mix in an airtight container at room temperature.


  1. Bravo to your husband for going to help the people of Haiti. So sad that the one little girl didn't survive at the orphanage.

  2. Hudos to your church for being some of the first responders. Faith in action! I'm leeping them in prayer for safety and encouragement.
    I saw "that chick" on TV too. I actually had that granola in the back of my mind! sounds pretty darn easy and tasty!

  3. Blessings to your hubby and the rest of your church that is going!

    Thanks for sharing the trail mix. My honey loves that stuff. I'm going to make it for him! :)

  4. great to see people getting involved in the relief efforts :)

    and that pic is very inticing i must say!

  5. You obviously belong to a wonderful church! I'll be praying for the safety of your hubby and church members.
    And I do love trail mix! I think I'll be going to Earth Fare today for the ingredients.

  6. How great that your husband is getting personally involved in helping Haiti! God bless him and your family while he is gone! The trail mix sounds easy and delicious!

  7. I'll be sending good thoughts to your husband (and you!) for a safe trip.

    And pack more trail mix! Addictive, indeed!

  8. Most sincere good wishes for your husband. What a wonderful man to go and help. Bless him.

    The trail mix sounds delicious with the maple syrup!

  9. What a great deed your husband is doing! You both are really commendable! The orphanage you both 'adopted' was so beautiful.. Hopefully things will be restored soon!
