Friday, November 20, 2009

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

This week, I asked the hubby what kind of cookie he wanted and he wanted something with peanut butter and chocolate. Honestly, I wanted him to tell me something that was sort of a challenge for me to find a recipe for this week, but I guess you really can't do that with cookie. I guess this really was a little challenge for me, because I haven't found that perfect peanut butter cookie recipe yet. This one is close, and will do, but I am always looking for new ones. :)

I found this recipe in one of my cookie magazines and was curious about it because there is no butter, I am guessing that the peanut butter takes that place, and there is only 1/4 cup of flour. This told me that it would probably be moist and chewy in the middle. And yes, I was right. With little spreadage, and a crisp outside, with the chewy in the middle, they did hit the spot. The first thing that came out the oldest sons mouth as soon as he popped one in his mouth was, mmmmmmm. I took that as a thumbs up! Will these go on my cookie platters? Probably!!
Don't forget my other cookie baker's this week, we are almost to the end girls! :)
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a mixing bowl beat peanut butter, sugar, brown sugar, and baking soda until combined. Beat in egg and vanilla until combined. Stir in flour and chocolate chips with a wooden spoon.
Shape dough into 1 1/4 inch balls. Place balls on an ungreased cookie sheet (do not use an insulated cookie sheet); flatten slightly with fingers.
Bake in preheated oven about 10 minutes or until cookies are puffed and lightly browned around edges (centers will be soft). Cool on cookie sheet for 5 minutes. Transfer to wire racks; cool completly. Makes 2 dozen.


  1. Love chocolate and peanut butter together...they look chewy and that is almost a requirement in my house

  2. You can't go wrong with a classic like this!

  3. A classic combo! They look perfect!
    I'm starting to get cookied out. Never thought I would say that. Going to have to start taking them to the Fire House for the Firemen.
    Holidays R getting closer! Mine is going to be mean and lean. Holiday Hugs for everyone! :)
    Hope you have a great weekend. :)
    You know I will!

  4. I tried to make peanut butter / Nutella cookies last week and forgot the egg! Needless to say, they were dry and not very good.

    I'll have to make these for David because he loves the pb/chocolate combination. Who am I kidding - so do I!

  5. From your description these cookies sound perfect!

  6. oh lord yes please!! printing this now... can't control myself :)

  7. My husband LOVES these cookies:

  8. I love all the yummy chips in this cookie! A perfect PB/CC ratio!

  9. They look great and I love the chocolate chips in them. Very interesting that the peanut butter takes the place of butter. I like that idea!

  10. What a delicious sounding cookie, my favorite combo choc/pb!!

  11. Those are some tiny cookies!! So cute!

  12. I'm loving your cookie recipes! :)

    (FYI-I've posted a free gift tag download on my blog. ) :)

  13. oh yummy and the cinnamon bun scones are so cool

  14. I've been looking for a really good peanut butter cookie recipe too. Looks like I am going to have to add this one to my list. Thanks!

  15. Loves chocolate & peanut butter cookies! YUM!

    Make me some!
