Friday, October 9, 2009

Orange Chunk Cookies- Week 2

This week I chose to bake Orange Chunk Cookies, they should have been chip, but my grocery store didn't have white chocolate chips, WHAT?! I know, so I had to substitute a bar of it and chunk it up. That just added to the fun, I don't know why, but food prep makes me happy. The more I can chop, the happier I am. I know, I have issues!

So, here we are at week 2, and that means 11 weeks until Christmas now and I don't have the slightest idea of what I will be buying the kids. I asked Abby what she wanted and she said "Joy". I said, "Joy, as in happiness? Are you not happy?" She said, yes, I am happy, but that is what I want. Crazy child!! Maybe I'll get something that has JOY written on it and stick it in her stocking.

On to the cookies, I liked them, the hubby and kids liked them. The hubby was a little concerned of the orange, he doesn't like orange flavored things, but the orange flavor was subtle. It mostly tasted like a white chocolate chip cookie and once you chewed it and swallowed was when you get the hint of orange. So, I would give this cookie a thumbs up!

You also need to go and see what Megan from Megan's Cooking, Barbara from Barbara Bakes, and Megan from My Baking Adventures is joining us as well!

Orange Chunk Cookies

2 1/4 cup all purpose flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1 large egg, room temperature
1 cup (6 oz) white chocolate chips
1 Tbsp grated orange zest

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Sift flour, baking soda and salt into small bowl. Beat the butter and both sugars in large bowl until smooth, about 3 minutes. Add the egg and mix well. Gradually add the flour mixture, until just combined. Stir in white chocolate chips and zest. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 10-12 minutes or until lightly brown. Cool for 2 minutes, then transfer to cooling rack.


  1. What a wonderful new cookie flavor!!!

  2. Love the orange flavor combined with the white chocolate..sounds wonderful.

  3. I'm sure they tasted even better with your improversation!

  4. Those sound great - I would probably use regular chocolate instead of white - I've never found a brand that I really like.

  5. What a sweety your daughter is, wanting Joy for Christmas. A sign your doing a pretty darn good job raising her!!! Cookies sound wonderful with a hint of orange.

  6. These sounds wonderful. I love the flavor of orange and have never thought about adding it to a cookie before. Are you accepting people into your 12 weeks of cookies? I just saw this over at Megan's Baking Adventures and am interested.

  7. Wish my kids would ask for things like joy. :)

    The cookies look really good and I love orange so the flavor sounds yummy.

  8. I love citrus cookies! These sound great! My kids never knew what they wanted for Christmas. I took that as a sign they were content.

  9. Wow! That really looks yummy! I can imagine the orange chunks now with every bite of the cookie. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Really nice.:)

  10. LOL, that's cute. You'll need to write that down to remember for when she's older.
