Friday, October 16, 2009

Nutella Swirl- Week 3!

I have a confession, I adore Nutella. I actually have a problem. I could eat it on anything, really, my favorite way is right out of the jar with a spoon. When I saw these from The Doubled Dipped Life, I knew I had to make them for this weeks cookie recipe. Actually, these looked so good, Barbara had the same idea that I did!

I had a little trouble with these cookies. I found the dough to be really soft and sticky. I chilled it for a good 30 minutes before rolling it out. Once I started to roll it out, I had to add more flour. Once I finally got it rolled, without sticking, I went to spread the Nutella, this took a little patience. I would start to spread it and my dough would rip. Finally, I got it spread, and rolled the dough, I stuck the roll in the freezer for about 20 minutes to make for easy slicing. My roll was really skinny, but they baked up nicely. After slicing, I got right at 20 cookies. The taste, I wasn't crazy about them. I don't know what it was..maybe I was just frustrated with my dough sticking..but, today, they are really good! I'm glad I didn't throw them out!

Make sure and check out Megan, Barbara, Megan, Kim and Denise to see what they have baked up this week!

Nutella Swirl Cookies
From:The Double Dipped Life

1 stick butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla
1 heaped cup sifted all purpose flour
1/4 cup Nutella
2-3 Tbsp chopped toasted hazelnuts, I left these out

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix the butter and sugar together until creamy. Mix in the egg yolk and vanilla. The mixture should be light and well combined. Stir in the flour and refrigerate dough for at least 15 minutes for easy rolling.

Next, roll out the dough into a rectangle of 1/4 inch thickness. Spread the Nutella, leaving 1/4 inch space on all four sides. Sprinkle chopped hazelnuts over the Nutella. Roll up the dough jelly roll style. Refrigerate another 10 minutes before slicing. Slice into 1/2 inch thick slices. Put on baking sheet about 2 inches apart and bake 12-15 minutes until slightly golden around the edges.


  1. They look delicious. I'll have to give these a try one of these days.
    I have the same problem with Nutella. Maybe we should start a program. LOL

  2. They sound terrific, I love nutella and must try these soon!

  3. I am also addicted to Nutella- mostly right from the jar also :D I love the idea of these cookies and they are very pretty. I'm glad you are liking them today, they sound really yummy.

  4. These look so good. I hate sticky dough but you pulled thru and they look great, so happy to be a part of the 12 cookies crew!!!!

  5. We are huge Nutella fans in this house - but considering all the trouble you had with these cookies, I'm thinking the best way to eat the Nutella would be straight from the jar! :)

  6. My husband used to eat jar after jar of Nutella!

  7. Your cookies look great! Yours browned up so much nicer than mine. Do you have a convection oven?

  8. I'm so glad that this recipe was a success! They do seem to get better as they sit.

  9. Nutella really has a perfect chocolate taste that's why I love it too. Now, this recipe adds up to the things I can do with it. Thanks for sharing.:)

  10. These look really good. Anything with nutella sounds delicious to me. I love that ya'll are testing out so many cookie recipes. This will definitely come in handy when the holidays come a little closer!

  11. Yum! I love nutella too! Your cookies look really good.

  12. I'm a Nutella fiend too! Your cookies are always winnders, I have to try these!

  13. Oh my... I think these would be my downfall! :)

  14. Abby - those looks amazing! I also just heard that supposedly Krogers has a store version of Nutella and it's just as good. I've been on the lookout for it.
