Tuesday, October 27, 2009

French Macarons-Daring Bakers

The 2009 October Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to us by Ami S. She chose macarons from Claudia Fleming’s The Last Course: The Desserts of Gramercy Tavern as the challenge recipe.

I was excited about this challenge, I have been wanting to make these for a long time. But, as it looks like my little bites of heaven turned out..unfortunately, they did not. This picture is as good as it gets, my friends. The taste was wonderful, looks like I did get the feet, or I should say more of a ruffle...but every one of them stuck and crumbled.

I won't give up on these though. I will try again...someday. :)


  1. I have seen macaroons everywhere and am so scared to try them. Dont give up you will get them right...

  2. Thanks for being my baking buddy on these! I'm sorry yours stuck. Definitely give them another try with a different recipe.

  3. Oh, what a bummer. I've never even attempted these - I'm too scared!

  4. You are a brave woman to try these, from what I've read, macaroons are not forgiving at all. Like Megan, i am too scared to try this.

  5. One day I may be daring enough to attempt it. I love how they look in the little sandwiches and different colors. Yours don't look bad at all! Sorry they didn't stay in one piece though.

  6. Mine stuck too. Though stupidly I didn't put it on parchment so I had no chance. Glad I'm not alone in this.

  7. I'm sorry you had troubles! Maybe next time will work out for you!

  8. Oh April.. so sorry they didnt work as planned. They are tough to master. You'll get it.

  9. You need a silpat!!! They even stuck to my wax paper. Addicting little buggers though. Were you able to get a taste at all?
    Thanks for baking with me and Bsarb. It makes it so much more fun!

  10. That stinks that it didn't work out. Kudos for trying and I'm certain you'll master it!

  11. I'm just impressed you tried. I would have pitched a fit and made a pie.

  12. Awww! Sorry they didn't come out! But atleast you got feet!!
