Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jam Exchange

A few weeks ago Steph from Steph Chows announced that she was having a jam exchange. I have participated in exchanges like this before and loved it. What's not to love? You get to be in the kitchen making some concoction, mail it off and you get some back in return.
Today my package came from my secret partner...Diana from A little bit of Spain Iowa. I didn't even know of her until now! If you haven't visited her, you should! And now, here is what she sent me!!

Look how cute the labels are!! Let's take a closer look, shall we?

Diana sent me 2 jars of this! Strawberry Honey Jam with a hint of chamomile!! I cannot wait until she perfects this recipe and shares it with us! Not that I am not just completely impressed with this jam, but she also sent me a jar of this.....

Did you see what this is???? Homemade Apple Pectin!!! I didn't even know there was such a thing! I am now ready to get to making some more jam using it!

Thank you Diana for a great package! And thanks to Steph Chows for putting this together!


  1. Such an interesting event!! You got some great jams :) Cant wait to see how you use them!

  2. Oh, you are very welcome!! It was tons of fun. As you can tell the Jam didn't jell as thick as I would have liked it, but it is good, lol!! To get that pectin to thicken more, just boil it down in half. P.S. I'm so glad I'm now able to comment on your site! I'm about to make your zuchinni bread!!


  3. You scored! I never new about homemade apple pectin either. You'll have to let me know more about it and how to use it. Very cute labels!

  4. What an amazing selection you received - I am so jealous, I wish I knew how to make jam.

  5. How fun!! They both sound delicious!

  6. My lips are smacking just looking at the jars. What a lucky duck you are!

    I'm sure I don't live or work very far, if you have some jam you want to unload ;-)

  7. Totally exciting! I'm so glad you were able to join in on the exchange :)
