Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Twd-Tribute to Katherine Hepburn Brownies

Better late than never, huh? Can we pretend that it is Tuesday? Ok then! These brownies are fantastic! Gooey in the middle with a paper thin crust on the top. Love them!!!! You can find the recipe on pages 96-97 in BFMHTY.


  1. I'd really like to pretend that it's Tues. but then I'd have to redo Wed. which is my busiest day. :(

    In your photo you can see clearly that these are very fudgy & gooey!

  2. I'll pretend with you. Now I only wish I had some more of these around the house. Nice job.

  3. I thought it was tuesday;) Love these rich treats.

  4. I want these for breakfast! Looks so chewy and delicious!

  5. I could go for these brownies right now! I really need to bake from this cookbook. I've made hardly nothing. :( Hope everything is really good at your house. I miss our chats. Maybe we should both make some brownies and coffee and sit down for some girl chat! :)

  6. Oh wow... those brownies do look gooey. It's fudgy and very chocolatey. :) Yum! Thanks for sharing.

  7. I. love. brownies. That's just the way it is. These look awesome!

  8. Hey, April! Haven't seen you around...everything okay? Hope so!
