Tuesday, June 9, 2009

TWD- Parisian Apple Tartlet

This weeks TWD recipe was chose by Jessica of My Baking Heart. This little tart was very simple, but honestly, I thought it was a little bland. I think that if I added a little cinnamon to it I would have liked it better. Will I make these little treats again, probably, I will just make a few little changes.

Next week is ice cream! I am super excited!!


  1. Yes, cinnamon would have made a great addition. I think I added it to mine, I just can't remember.

  2. This is very pretty and cinnamon makes everything taste better

  3. Well, that's bummer that it wasn't all you had hoped! It looked pretty good.

  4. Too bad they were a bit blan cause they sure are pretty. I have no dought that you could make it better next time!

  5. Thanks for baking with me this week! I added cinnamon and it was wonderful! :)

  6. I added some cinnamon sugar to mine - made a big difference. Next time I am SO making caramel sauce to drizzle.....

    Yours looks great!

  7. The tartlet is a show stopper April! i would to have the courage to try something this elegant.
