Saturday, May 16, 2009

Raspberry/Strawberry Brie Tartletts

A few weeks ago the good people from Il De France Cheese graciously sent me a wheel of brie cheese. I had so many ideas going through my head on what to make with it. While looking through the pile of recipes that I have printed off, you know those...the ones that you print off just knowing that you will make it and still haven't...well, I came across this recipe that I had hand written. I am not sure where I got it from, but I am so glad that I came across it!

These little tartletts are perfect for a tea party, ladies brunch, or any type of shower. I made half strawberry and half raspberry and liked them both. I think that I liked the raspberry better because tartness with well with the brie cheese. I loved this cheese, it was creamy and not stinky. I have had some brie that just does not smell good. I really had to stop myself from just eating the brie all by itself. It was that good!

This recipe yields alot, so you can scale it down if you don't need as many.

Strawberry/Raspberry Brie Tartletts

18 slices white bread
1/3 cup melted butter
1 (8 oz.) wedge Brie, cut into 54 pieces
1 jar strawberry and raspberry jam (you could use any type of jam)

Roll and flatten each bread slice with a rolling pin. Cut 3 circles out of each with a 2 inch fluted or round cookie cutter.(I got 4 circles) Brush mini muffin pans with butter. Press bread circles on bottom and up sides of pan. Brush the bread circles with remaining melted butter.

Bake at 300 degrees for 10 minutes or until lightly toasted. Remove bread from muffin pan; place on ungreased cookie sheet. Fill each bread cup with 1 piece of the brie; press lightly with finger to make slight indention. Fill indention with 1/4 tsp jam. Bake at 300 degrees for 10 minutes or until the brie is melted.


  1. What a clever crust idea - not too sweet, and obviously not difficult to make!

    I've never tried brie with a sweet spread like that, but it sure sounds good!

  2. Yes, yes, tea party with my granddaughters please.

  3. These look absolutely fantastic and sound terribly easy to make, and the brie, MMM, the brie .. PERFECT!

  4. I'm so glad you said that about the Brie. I bought some from Trader Joe's and it was the stinkiest!!! I didn't think Brie stunck. I've NEVER had a hunk of Brie smell, especially like that!
    Now.., on to these tartletts. They look devine! And how easy using white bread. They can be whipped up in no time and even Kellie could make them. Makes me want to have a tea party. BRILLIANT!!!
    How ya doing there my friend? Hope all is well and life is treating you good. :)I'd invite you to a tea party amd make these tartletts if you would come. ;)

  5. What a great use for the brie!! These little tarts look totally delicious. Man oh man, you're giving me a craving. Sorry that I’ve been an absent commenter; I just finished up my law school exams and am finally getting around to my google reader.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi! OOps... This looks amazing! I love desserts with cheese. I work with Alouette and this is Definitely a recipe i will be sharing for our Brie! Thanks, April!

  8. Oh that sounds just delicious. I still want to make your cinnamon roll cake!!!

  9. This sounds fabulous! I love brie!

  10. thanks for visiting my blog. A friend of mine makes these in those premad phyllo cups. They are my favorite. Im going to follow your blog.

  11. This looks so easy and delicious! Thank you so much!

  12. April, these look so delicious. Brie is such a treat at this time of year. Your tartletts are so adorable.

  13. [url=][img][/img][/url]

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