Monday, April 27, 2009

Daring Bakers do Cheesecake..

The April 2009 challenge is hosted by Jenny from Jenny Bakes. She has chosen Abbey's Infamous Cheesecake as the challenge.
I ran out of time to get creative for this challenge, so here it is, a basic cheesecake. I will probably never make this recipe again, as I like my go to cheesecake recipe better, but this one was fine. Thanks Jenny for choosing a simple recipe for this months challenge!


  1. Your not *feeling it* still are you? Thats ok. When you are, you are. And when your not, thats ok! I'm planing on doing some cheesecake stuffed strawberries right before mothers day.I'm excited to try those! Did you stuff it with your *go to* recipe??? WAIT! Don't answer that here. Answer me on Twitter! >;-)

  2. pretty much had the same outcome of the cheesecake as you did, like a different kind better, so I understand totally!

  3. minimalist blogging! that's what someone called one of my more recent other posts because I was just trying to get it up and didn't feel like finding my card reader or trying to think of something interesting to say. short and to the point. anyway, i liked this cheesecake OK and my coworkers really loved it. hopefully you'll like whatever comes next month better.

  4. You know...I think I'm sticking with my recipe as well. It was still good. Great job!

  5. I agree with you! I did so many variations because my "plain" recipe is my go-to and I will stick with it! Good for you for making it anyway! It looks yummy!

  6. Sorry your ran out of time! Oh well, that cheesecake still looks amazing :)
