Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Brunch! By Gale Gand

A couple of weeks ago, Stephanie from Dispensing Happiness sent me an email asking if I would be interested in reviewing Gale Gand's newest cookbook, Brunch. All I needed to do was read it, choose a recipe and type up a post about it. I am not sure if she knows this or not, but I love Gale Gand. I have all of her books, I have made several recipes from each of them and they have always turned out. Believe me when I tell you that Gale's new book, Brunch, ranks right up there with her others.

This book is filled with sweets, savories, baked french toasts, crepes, waffles, toppings and beverages. Fantastic brunch recipes that are quick to make, delicious, kid friendly, and uses staples that you normally will have on hand. I chose to make the basic waffles, just to get me started..and the hubby and kids loved them. The waffles were light and fluffy, and not too sweet.

Looking for a new cookbook to add to your collection? This is the one that you need to get. You won't be disappointed!


  1. i will have to keep this one in mind next time i go book shopping :)

  2. I am checking this out of the library soon.. Thanks for the reminder and the review:)

  3. I'm going to check out Gale Gand. You sold me with pictures!

  4. Dang - I must not know the right people, because I would have loved to have reviewed this! Lucky you - because all of Gale's recipes turn out perfect every time.

  5. That top photo is awesome!! I will watch for this cookbook for sure.

  6. I'm thinking mama might get a new book for Mama's Day! :)I like brunch!!! :)
    leaving town soon. Talk to ya Monday!

  7. Any book with waffles is a friend of mine... YUM!

  8. Mmm, waffles look totally amazing. Definitely one of my favorite breakfast foods.
