Saturday, March 7, 2009

Apple Turnovers

How about an apple turnover that is 100 calories and light and crispy? Here is the one that you need to try. I bought the Cooking Light Dessert cookbook and have been eyeballing this recipe from the first time that I opened the book. Sometimes, well, really most of the time, I am skeptical for any recipe that claims to be good for you. I mean, how can it be healthy and still taste good? This one did not disappoint! I think that I will have to make everything in this book!

I have never used phyllo dough before, and had a little trouble with it at first. It kept wanting to rip on me, they weren't kidding when they said it was super thin and would dry out quick! So, make sure you have a damp towel to keep it moist and you won't have any trouble at all.

Apple Turnovers

1 large cooking apple, peeled, cored, and finely chopped

1/4 cup chopped dates-I left these out

2 Tbsp brown sugar

1/4 tsp salt

4 (14x9 inch) sheets frozen phyllo dough, thawed

Butter-flavored cooking spray

1/4 cup sifted powdered sugar

1/2 tsp water

1/8 tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Combine apples, dates, brown sugar and salt into a bowl, and mix until combined. Place 1 phyllo sheet on a damp towel (cover remaining dough to keep from drying out). Lightly coat with cooking spray. Place second phyllo sheet over first sheet, lightly coat with cooking spray. Cut stacked sheets lenghtwise into 3 equal strips (each about 4 1/2 inches wide).

Working with 1 strip at a time (cover remaining strips), place 2 Tbsp apple mixture at base of strip. Fold the corner over apple mixture to form a triangle. Continue folding triangle back and forth to end of strip. Place triangle, seam side down, on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Repeat with remaining 1 phyllo sheets and apple mixture. Coat triangles with cooking spray.

Bake at 400 degrees for 12 minutes or until golden. Remove from pan, and cool 5 minutes on a wire rack.

Combine powdered sugar, water, and vanilla, stirring until smooth. Drizzle sugar mixture evenly over turnovers.


  1. yummy...I love apple turnovers.

  2. Sounds great. I have always been partial to those Peppridge Farm popovers, but now I've got a healthier alternative. Thanks

  3. Hi April!!! Long time, no talky! The patient is home and for the most part recovered. I'm so happy to be up and running. These little pies look fantastic. I cant wait to see what other goodies this book holds for us. I'll talk to ya soon. Have a wonderful day. :-)

  4. This looks so good, I love that it's light. I have a lot of luck with recipes from Cooking Light.

  5. 100 calories? Ahh!! AMAZING!

  6. Oh My! These look out of this world delicious!! I must try them. So very good. I would love one with coffee now. OK< Id love 2.

  7. This is exactly what I need to be eating! I haven't worked with phyllo dough before. I may have tory this one!

  8. More apple recipes! They do look light and flakey. Very nice.

  9. I've been drooling over this too! I'm so glad you tried it and liked it!

  10. Those apple turnovers look fantastic! And only 100 calories!!
