Friday, February 13, 2009

Cheesecake Stuffed Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

This is what becomes of a cheesecake that has been crumbles and all mixed together! You squish it into the bottom of a strawberry!

First you cut the middle and bottom out of the strawberry, kind of like a triangle...

Then you take about a teaspoon of cheesecake and press it in that hole. You may need to use a little more, depending on how big you cut out the bottom.

Once you have stuffed your berry with the cheesecake, dip it in chocolate...

Then decorate it!!

And who thought a chocolate dipped strawberry couldn't any better?

Happy Valentine's Day!!!


  1. Wow! This one is nothing short of amazing. PERFECT for Valentines Day!

  2. You. Are. Brilliant.

    This looks incredible!

  3. Oh my...these are amazing. Love your shots...good pics.

  4. Oh my... that looks soooo good! What a creative idea!

  5. Great idea. I've been wondering what you were gonna do with that cheesecake!!

  6. April,
    Happy Valentines Day! Thanks for all the great ideas, this is another winner--in fact, I just added more berries (I already have some for a poppyseed salad) to my grocery list for tomorrow. I have some luscious Guittard chocolate that would be perfect for this. Thank you!

  7. Talk about food porn! April this is truly amazing! YUM!!! Happy Valentine's Day.

  8. Gorgeous strawberries! Happy V-day!

  9. How funny, I pictured them stuffed from the top. This is super cute!
    Did the berry man finaly show up? Did you get them all done? What was it, like 25 dozen?

  10. What a great idea! Looks fabulous!

  11. Oh, my! that is a wonderful idea! Love it!
