Thursday, December 11, 2008

Trim the Tree Thursday

Yes, I am a total slacker this week! I completely forgot about this weeks Trim the Tree. You know when you have one of those weeks when you know that you need to do something on a certain day, and think that you still have time? But, then it is brought to your attention that this is the day to post? (Yes, you know who you are) Well, this is one of those weeks. So head on over to The Southern Hostess and check out her list of blogs to check out.


  1. I've been having one of those weeks too!

  2. I'm sorry I don't believe you April, I know you're at Kroger waiting in line for white milk and white bread! LOL J/K ;-) I couldn't resist.

  3. And I was so looking forward to your decorations! ;)heehee!
