Monday, December 1, 2008

Barbie Cake For Saylor's 3rd Birthday!!!

This is Saylor. She is my good friend Megan's daughter, who just turned 3 yesterday. This little chick will be the next Ms. Betty Crocker or Martha Stewart, she knows exactly what she wants!

Just for the record, this was my first Barbie cake. I can't wait to make her again! She wasn't as hard as I thought she would be. :)


  1. She is beautiful (Saylor & the cake!)...Wasn't it fun to make? I made one for my daughter and we had so much fun decorating it!

  2. Saylor is a cutie! Your Barbie cake turned out fabulous; you are so talented April. I've been getting caught up on your blog and you have been so busy with so yummy looking treats.

  3. Saylor is so freaking adorable! Great job on the barbie cake! Muy impressive!

  4. happy Birthday Saylor!!!
    April, you did a beautiful job on the cake. I love the piping on the skirt. Well done my foodie friend, well done!

  5. That's so precious! I had Barbie cakes when I was little!

  6. I would have never guessed this was your first Barbie cake - it looks wonderful!!

  7. Oh Saylor looks like an angel! Ypou did a great job with the cake April!

  8. Seriously? That wasn't hard? No really, you're pulling my leg. That is AMAZINGLY beautiful. What a great job you did. I am super impressed!

  9. I see one little Saylor who looks pretty darn happy about getting such a beautiful cake!
    Boy! I wish mom's friends would have done that for me when I was young! LOL Truly Amazing April!

  10. Happy Birthday!! I love the Barbie cake!! I wish I had one of those when I was a little one!

  11. I can't believe this. I am almost 50 and I can still remember the barbie cake my grandmother made for me when I was that age.

    This little girl will probably remember your cake forever too.

    Love it!!! :-)

  12. Wow, that Barbie cake is awesome. Will you make me one for my 40th in February? I had a Barbie cake when I was in K and 1st grades. I loved them. HOWEVER, they didn't look as hot as this Barbie does!!!
