Thursday, November 20, 2008

Trim the Tree Thursday

Here we are again, time for Trim the Tree Thursday hosted by the lovely Brett of Hostess with the Mostess. I still do not have my Christmas Decorations up, but after this weekend, the house will be all decked out very shortly! So, I thought I would share with you pictures of the Christmas Tea. Keep in mind that the theme was Holy Express, based on the movie Polar Express.

Here is the ticket booth, where you would buy your train tickets. This was set up downstairs as soon as you walked through the door. We had 2 teenagers sitting there that sold the tickets to the basket raffle.

Here is the bakery. We had 2 girls working behind the counter that sold all of the goodies. We also had a general store, that I didn't get a picture of! Ugh...

Here is the "train" before you got on the elevator.

Following are pictures from some of the decorated tables. I think we had a total of 27 tables that each had a hostess. That hostess was responsible for decorating her own table.


  1. Wow! There's some real talent in whoever decorated those tables. They're just beautiful! Wow!

  2. The table decorations are out of this world. Did you decorate one of the tables? I can't even think of decorating for Christmas yet; I feel like I'm in a whirlwind.

  3. I love this. Our church did something like it, only not Christmas and it was so much fun. All the tables are beautiful!

  4. I bet this was so much fun!

    Those table hostesses did an outstanding job! The tables are just gorgeous!

  5. Hi April! Oh what fun I had here looking at all those creative tea tables! what a great idea to have a theme like that. I love it. It's been awhile since I've been involved in a tea like that. Thanks for sharing all these great photos...

  6. That put me in the spirit real quick. My only complaint is- I wasn't there. :) Really beautiful tables.
    Oh what fun, it is to ride, a..., oh! That was a sleigh ride, not the Holy Express. :)

  7. What a fun Christmas Tea to be a part of! I think it would be a lot of fun to be a table hostess, although I think the hostesses for these tables did far better than I could ever do!

  8. This is amazing! I absolutely loved the Polar Express. Wasn't the music the best? You did a wonderful job. ~Melissa :)

  9. How fun & how festive!!! Loved all the tables & the train was the perfect touch!

  10. Oh my goodness! I can't believe how beautiful these tables are! I wish I could've taken a ride on the Holy Express! I may borrow these ideas....

  11. Super lovely. I love all the gorgeous table decorations.

  12. How must of been so breathtaking to take all that in. I am in awe. I will be back to see your decorations. Thank you soo much for sharing. :)Ellen

  13. I am so impressed! I couldn't do that in a million years! Which one did you do?

  14. Everything looks wonderful April, what an undertaking!!

  15. Which table did you do? I wish I had decorating talent like that......

  16. Wow, those tables are full of fun!

  17. Very cool! I'm so glad that you took pictures, we're hosting a table this year at our Church's Christmas banquet, and we are responsible for our table decorations as well. I'm still stumped as to what to do. We're thinking a Lego theme, with a little battery operated train going around a xmas tree (decorated with ornies made from Lego), and a little lego man on a lego ladder putting the lego star on top. Any other suggestions???? :)

  18. I see you know a lot of talented people! What fun...I would love to host something like that! :)
