Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nothin's Baking

I am ashamed to admit that I have literally baked nothing in over a week! I feel so lost! :) Baking calms me and makes me happy, and I feel like something is out of whack since I haven't baked anything. Not sure what caused it, but I really need to get my baking mojo back!
So, until I have a baked good for you, how about my Mr. Smiley spoon from Megan's Cookin. I was one of the lucky winners from her birthday giveaway! He truly does make me smile every time I see him! Thanks Megan!!

Next, My friend Katherine from Smokey Mountain Cafe awarded me with this award. Thank you so much Katherine! It really did make my day. Sorry it took me awhile to post about it!

And finally, tomorrow is the posting day for the monthly Daring Baker Challenge. Unfortunately, I did not complete it! So, go ahead and check out the other Daring Bakers to see what the challenge was, I am positive that you will be impressed!! A huge thanks to the hostess this month, it was a special month and I am sorry that I missed out on it!!


  1. I was wondering about you - your blog has been so quiet. If you get a chance, shoot me an email and let me know how everything is going!

  2. Hope all is well. I have been out of the baking loop too! Just rejoined Daring Bakers, and TWD. Going to get busy again! But I LOVE it!
    Take care,
    Love Big, Bake Often

  3. Everyone needs a break sometimes!! Love the big green spoon!!

  4. I was wondering about you too! No new treats for me to drool over? Probably a good thing :)

    The cookies are a little chewy, but there is a fine line between chewy and over done-I found out quickly :(

    The recipe is on my blog. Enjoy!

  5. That is the cutest kitchen utensil I have seen! Hope you get bake to baking too!

  6. BTW-I have an award for you over on my blog!

    Have a great day!

  7. Me three, I was wondering...but I completely understand. Can't wait until your next post!

    I have something for you on my blog.

  8. Love Mr. Smiley Spoon, too cute! That'd make me smile too.
    I barely got the pizza challenge done. Don't worry, you'll be back in it in no time. :)

  9. Hi Mr. Happy Spoon! Glad he arrived in one piece! Dont worry, you baking mojo will come back. I have faith! :)

  10. I am sorry you are in the baking doldrums! xoxo
    No need to apologize for needing a break- it happens to us all!
    Take care!

  11. The spoon shines happiness upon you! Feel the joy!
