Monday, October 6, 2008

Jam Exchange and a surprise gift!

A few weeks ago I signed up for Batter Splattered's Jam/Jelly Exchange, Molly had hosted this last year and it was a ton of fun, so, I signed up again for this years exchange. The fun of it this year, was that you don't know who is sending to you until you receive the package in the mail. My package came Saturday from my Taste Like Home package partner, Stephanie from StephChows! She made some really good looking, great tasting raspberry jam, that she hand picked. Thank you so much!! I love it!! Now on to the little surprise....
When I received my Taste Like Home package from her, it was all about Rochester, NY. Stephanie explained to me something about sponge candy made by Stever's Candy, and they only make it from October 1st, through April, due to the humidity. This wasn't available in July, so she sent me a package of it with my jam. It was warm on Saturday so it melted into a blob. No worries though, just stick it in the fridge until cool, and there we go, I just took a knife and cut it into pieces. I really liked it. It is strange, I don't really know how to explain the "sponge" part of it. Kind of like the middle of a whopper malt ball. You know, how it melts on your tongue if you just let it sit there? It is really addicting though.

Thank you again Stephanie for a great package!! I love it, and the jam is fantastic!


  1. The jam looks great. Homemade is the best!

  2. Hooray you got it!! Man what a bummer that the sponge candy melted!! booo. I'm glad you still liked it though haha. It was 33 here this morning... yeahhhhhh that's not normal for this time of the year and I'm not too happy about it... so melting wasn't even a thought in my head! Happy it made it there and that you like the jam!! I had so much fun making it :)

  3. What a nice surprise! And a great looking jar of jam. :) You scored, girl!

  4. I think I've actually had sponge candy before, but I don't remember where. I'm going to have to think about that!

  5. This is great info to know.
