Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cranberry Shortbread for a cause

My friend Ley from Cilantro and Lime has decided to host her first blog event, and it is a mighty good one. Baking for breast cancer awareness. She is trying to get the work spread more about breast cancer awareness. There are so many people effected by this disease and it does not discriminate against anyone. It effects, mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, grandmothers, friends, cousins and sometimes men. I have lost an aunt to this disease and my grandmother, aunt and cousin are survivors.

I chose to bake Cranberry Shortbread for a couple of reasons, 1) I have never made shortbread and 2) cranberries are supposed to be really healthy for you. I found this recipe from a Martha Christmas cookie magazine from a few years ago and they were cut out like hearts. I will be making this again for Christmas baskets and maybe I will shape them into little trees. But, for this month, they will be for Breast Cancer Awareness.

Cranberry Shortbread

1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
3/4 cup sifted confectioner's sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups sifted all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup finely chopped dried cranberries

Preheat oven to 325 degrees with a rack in center. Put butter, sugar, vanilla, flour, and salt in large mixing bowl. Stir together with a wooden spoon until combined but not too creamy. Stir in dried cranberries.

Press dough evenly into an 8-inch square baking pan. Bake until firm and pale golden, about 30 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack, about 20 minutes. Run a knife around edges; remove shortbread, and transfer, right side up, to work surface. Cut into desired shape.


  1. What a fantastic cause and fantastic looking shortbread April. I would love this with a cup of tea right about now.

  2. Great choice for a great cause. I love a good shortbread :)

  3. Ooh, I don't have cranberries, but I do have dried cherries. I'll bet they would be fantastic. I think I have the same MS Christmas cookie magazine!! There are so many great recipes in there - it's hard to choose just one!

  4. Thank you for your entry!! Ooh, I LOVE shortbread! And yes, cranberries are healthy, so this would totally be a healthy dish, right? lol. I tried to justify that with my use of peppermint and dark chocolate in my entry. ;)Thank you so much for participating!

  5. What a great event, and a great recipe!!

  6. I love shortbread but dont think I've ever made it either. Looks good and definitly for a good cause.

  7. That's going in my holiday list! Is it too late to bake for her cause?

  8. This a great food event April, thanks for making us aware. The shortbread looks great!

  9. What a great idea and great cause!! I love everything about your post today!!

  10. Those look delish! It's nice to see a blogging event for such a worthy cause. Congrats to all involved.

  11. The texture looks so fine. Definitely a great idea for christmas baskets

  12. This sounds so good and I love that it's for a special cause!
