Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Daring Bakers make history!

For the first time ever the Daring Baker challenge for the month of September was chosen as a gluten free and/or vegan recipe, hosted by Natalie from Gluten a Go Go and Shelly of Musings from a fish bowl. I am not vegan or gluten free, so this definitely was a challenge for me. Wondering what it was?

Lavash Crackers with a topping.

We were given the recipe for the crackers and could add any seasonings to the, as long as they were vegan or gluten free. We were to also create a dipper for the crackers. I decided to sprinkle the tops of the crackers with cinnamon and sugar for a sweet fix. For the dip I chose a vegan lemon curd. However, the curd did not thicken up enough to actually dip the crackers into. Pretty much, you had to dip the cracker, let it run off, then you could eat it. It was tasty though.

I am still on the fence about the crackers. I really liked how the dough came together and rolled out and baked. But, it really isn't what I expected. Although, I am really not sure what I expected of them. Maybe I will try them again with some garlic. I am glad that I tried them. It really did push me out of my comfort zone.

Can't wait to see what October brings!!


  1. Looks great, April! I wasn't sure about the crackers either. I agree about the dough, it worked well, but as for the cracker itself...nothing amazing. Love all the different varieties that are out there though!

  2. I was gonna say the jury is still out when comes to these crackers. Mine probably would of been better had I followed through and made a dip. :) Yours look great!

  3. I think your crackers and vegan lemon curd look fabulous! I was wondering as I ate all of mine how they would be sweet rather than savory!

  4. Great job, trying out vegan curd and everything! Wow, that's gotta be tough to get right, but yours looks great and if it tasted good, what else do you need?

  5. Sorry to hear that your curd didn't thicken, but your crackers do look fantastic!

  6. Looks like yours turned out great! I hadn't thought of Lemon Curd. And I didn't even think to put sugar/cinnamon on them. That would have been a wonderful idea!

  7. How creative to go sweet with these! I love lemon curd - I bet yours is delicious.

  8. They turned out great April- Lavash is definitely a different type of cracker to get used to!

  9. sweet was a good way to go. Looks great!

  10. Somehow when I thought of crackers I didn't think sweet. After seeing yours I'm thinking why not sweet. They do look good.

  11. The crackers look great to me. They say it's good to get out of our comfort zone sometimes, lol!!

  12. Yummy lemon dip! Sorry you didn't care for the crackers that much, but you sure did a great job!

  13. Love the lemon curd idea with cinnamon. Sounds like an interesting combination.

  14. What a nice golden color your crackers got!
    If the taste wasen't amazing, the looks are!
    It's nice to know though... how to make crackers now.
    Great participation!

  15. Your crackers look fantastic. I don't know if I'm brave enough to try baking crackers. I may give it a try.

  16. they look great! I didn't get around to making them this month. The lemon curd sounds super tasty...even if it didn't turn out how you wanted.

  17. Looks great! I'm sure it taste great with your dips.. :)
