Thursday, August 7, 2008

My little rant for the day!

So, yesterday, my kiddos and I take a trip to the you guy remember going when you were younger and the library filled with books? Well, here, they are not like that anymore. Half empty shelves, that should be filled with books....anyways, that is not my rant. Well, maybe it is part of it, but on to the real reason. I am in the cooking section, what there is of it, and see the Martha Stewart Baking, so, I get it to check out and take home. So, last night, I am flipping pages, one by one, and see that someone had ripped out a page!! I flip and few more, and another page ripped out! Why would someone do that? Just go and copy the page if you want the recipe that bad! Ok, just had to vent a little!

Hope you guys are having a great day!!!


  1. I'm not a big fan of Martha's but I feel your aggravation, espeically if the miss recipe was one you were interested in.

  2. Dude, that's just plain wrong.

  3. I would be extremely upset, too. I just don't understand some people.

  4. This is sad. 1. that your library is not filled with wonderful books and 2. that someone would rip out pages, not only to a library book but any book at all. I am also a big Martha fan - sad :(

  5. Why on earth do people do that kinda stuff? This world would really be a big mess if we all just looked out for #1 wouldn't it? It's hard not to show or vent aggravation sometimes, we just have to...

  6. Ah geez. Thats just wrong on so many levels.

  7. Holy Cow! That is unbelievable! I have never come across that in a book that I have checked out, I always just make copies! How rude of someone
