Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chocolate Pecan Biscotti

This months Cookie Carnival recipe was supposed to be Chocolate Hazelnut Biscotti. However, I can't find hazelnuts here, so I used what I had on hand, pecans. This was a first for me for making biscotti, and if I am being honest, I really didn't like this recipe. I really like biscotti with my coffee, but for some reason, this one wasn't my favorite. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't turn it down if it was offered to me, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it either. I am glad that I tried it, so now I know that have tried this recipe. Thanks Kate for choosing a recipe to broaden my baking skills!

Chocolate Hazelnut (Pecan) Biscotti
1 1/2 cups hazelnut, toasted (pecans)
3 cups all purpose flour
2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
2 cups sugar
3 large eggs
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a heavy large baking sheet with parchment paper. Grind 1/2 cup toasted hazelnuts in processor. Set aside. Whisk flour, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder and salt in large bowl. Beat butter and sugar in another large bowl to blend. Add eggs and vanilla and almond extracts and beat until well blended. Beat in flour mixture. Mix in 1 cup whole toasted hazelnuts, chocolate chips and 1/2 cup ground hazelnuts.
Divide dough into 2 equal pieces. Shape each piece on baking sheet into 2 1/2 inch wide by 14 inch log. Place logs on prepared baking sheet, spacing 2 1/2 inches apart (logs will spread during baking). Bake until logs feel firm when tops are gently pressed, about 35 minutes. cool logs on baking sheet 15 minutes. Maintain oven temperature.
Using long wide spatula, transfer baked logs to cutting board. Using serrated knife, cut warm logs crosswise into 1/2 inch thick slices.
Arrange slices, cut side down, on 2 baking sheets. Bake biscotti until firm, about 15 minutes. Transfer to racks and cool completely. (Biscotti can be prepared ahead. Store in airtight container up to 4 days, or wrap in foil and freeze in resealable plastic bags up to 3 weeks.)


  1. Your biscotti looks very good. If I had a choice, I probably wouldn't pick chocolate either. The combination of chocolate and pecans is definitely winner.

  2. I'm sorry it wasn't your favorite but it certainly looks good!

  3. I've never made biscotti before. Sorry you didn't love this recipe - maybe next time!

  4. I have to agree with you - these weren't great. I've made mine but haven't posted them yet - I had to leave out all the nuts so they are very plain.

    However, I'm betting that these will make a terrific pie crust!

  5. Well, I cant wait to try them. I was gonna bake them for Operation Baking Gals. But I cant send a bunk cookie now can I?
    Ya got me curious. :)

  6. I'm going to make mine with toasted almonds. Can't stand hazelnuts. Any tips?

  7. It's interesting that we all have different pallettes - I could kill for chocolate biscotti and I especially love it with hazelnuts. I've never tried pecans in biscotti...could be interesting.

  8. I agree with you, I don't think I would enjoy chocolate biscotti either. At least it was fun to make!

  9. Okay so your biscotti looks alot better than mine! LOL.. I am going to try mine again this weekend, hopefully it will look that good! Great Job!

  10. I haven't done the Cookie Carnival in a few months...I had planned to get back to it this month but like you, I can't find hazelnuts. I was afraid to leave them out due to the amount of ground nuts in the recipe. I'm sorry they weren't that good :-(

  11. Oh, that's sad that you didn't c are for them much, because they look amazing! What was it about them that you didn't like?

  12. I work at Bass Pecan Company we are having a Pecan Recipe Contest if your intrested go to our website basspecan.com

  13. Sorry you didn't care for them too much, but they look delicious! :)

  14. It would be much more useful for those of us that haven't tasted them, if you could state what you didn't like about the taste or texture.
