Monday, August 11, 2008

Abby bakes Key Lime Pie!

Abby decided this week that she wanted to make key lime pie. I was really excited about it, because I love it, but the hubby was even more excited. This has to be his favorite dessert, other than strawberry shortcake!

Have you ever tried to juice and zest a key lime? They are tiny! Abby squeezed the whole bag of key limes to get 1/2 cup of juice and it took about 4 key limes to get 1 Tbsp of zest. But it was worth it in the end. It is a great tasting pie!

We will make this pie again and again. It is really that good!

Abby's Key Lime Pie:

1 9in. graham cracker pie shell--we used store bought

1/2 cup key lime juice

1 14oz can of sweetened condensed milk

1 Tbsp key lime zest

4 large egg yolks

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Mix all 4 ingredients until combined. Pour into graham cracker pie shell and bake for 15-17 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes, then put into the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

**If you make your own graham cracker crust, make sure to bake it first before you pour in the filling.**


  1. I am definitely a fan of Key Lime Pie. Abby looks like she was having the time of her life making this pie.

  2. Yum-o-licious! I love good key lime pie - and I will have to try this one.

    She is just the cutest little doll!

  3. Abby I've never made a Key Lime Pie, I will put this on my list of things to make. You look like you were working very hard to squeeze those limes! You did a fantastic job!

  4. Your kids have such good taste!! I've made a key lime pie before, and yes - those key limes give you quite a workout!!

  5. I have to send this recipe to my mom. She too loves key lime pie1 Thanks for the recipe.

  6. how cute is Abby!? Would you believe that Ive never had key lime pie before?! I want to try~

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  8. Oh wow, that looks GOOD!! She did a lot of work for that pie, but it sure looks like it was worth it!
