Tuesday, July 15, 2008

CH July-Blueberry Lemon Cupcakes with Raspberry Cream Cheese frosting!

For the month of July, Clara from I Heart Cuppycakes and Nikki of Crazy Delicious Food are hosting this month's challenge. Get this..Red, White and Blue. I had an idea of what I wanted to do, so this is what I came up with. I have made this cupcake batter before except that I used lime instead of lemon and this time I folded in the blueberries. Now, if you look really hard at the frosting, you will see red specks from the raspberries, instead of just pink.

Now, confession time. I really like this cupcake. I use it again and again. But, in my crazy head, sometimes, I tend to skip a few steps or add something....like using 2 sticks of butter instead of just 1. And only realizing this after they are baked and are like a muffin with melted butter. Don't get me wrong...I love that. If I eat a muffin, it has to be loaded with all that fatty butter, but...not really what I was going for in the cupcake. So, I just pretended that there was the only 1 stick and it was the fluffy batter that I love.

And let me just go on to say that I LOVE this frosting! You have the tartness from the cream cheese with the sweetness from the raspberries. I could have stuck my face in the bowl and licked the bowl clean! :)

Blueberry Lemon Cupcakes:
1/2 Cup unsalted butter, softened
zest and juice of 1 lemon
1 Cup sugar
2 eggs, room temp
3/4 Cup self-rising flour
1/2 Cup plus 2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
4-5 Tbsp milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 Cup Blueberries

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cream butter and zest in the bowl of an electric mixer on medium speed until butter is smooth. Gradually add sugar and continue beating until fluffy. Add the eggs 1 at a time, scraping the bowl and beating until smooth after each addition.-Squeeze the lemon directly into a liquid measuring cup. Add enough milk to total 1/2 cup of liquid, whisk to combine.

In a medium bowl, whisk flours together to combine.-Add the flour mixture to the batter in four parts, alternating with thirds of the milk mixture and beating after each addition until incorporated. Add in the vanilla. Fold in the blueberries.

Divide batter among the 12 cups of a lined standard cupcake pan. Bake for 12-15 minutes, until cupcakes are just starting to turn brown and toothpick comes out clean. Remove cupcakes from pan and let cool completely.

Raspberry Cream Cheese Frosting:
3 oz cream cheese, room temp
1 pint of raspberries
2 lb bag of powdered sugar
1 tbsp vanilla
pinch of salt

Cream together cream cheese and raspberries. I just put the whole berries in the mixer with a whisk attachment and creamed the 2 ingredients together. Add the vanilla and salt. Start adding the powdered sugar until you get the consistency that you want. You may not use the whole back of powdered sugar.


  1. Come by and visit, I have awarded you!! You deserve it with all these yummy, FATTENING recipes!!

  2. i love the cupcake!! i really like the frosting it sounds great!

  3. Oh man. That cupcake sounds awesome. I can't wait to try out that frosting! Thanks for entering!

  4. Sounds awesome! I admire the fact that you fly fast and loose with your ingredients, and the fact that your end result always seems to be tasty anyway! Lord knows if I decided to add/subtract/double ingredients, people would end up dead!

  5. Doesn't extra butter just make everything better! ? Ha! Great looking cupcakes! I love the raspberry!

  6. YUM! Sound delish. I am heading to the farmer's market today for berries . . . wish me luck.

  7. What pretty summer cupcakes, and your little Abbey is adorable! I LOVE baking with my little girl, too.

  8. Your cupcakes look delicious! And I think I really want to try the raspberry cream cheese frosting!

  9. I am going to try that frosting recipe - it sounds so good!!

    It looks like the kind of frosting you eat straight from the bowl - and don't bother with the cupcake!!!!

  10. I love the idea of adding raspberries to the cream cheese frosting!

  11. These look FANTASTIC!! Wonderful job...and you mean you DIDN'T stick your head in the bowl?? Come on...you can tell us the truth! ;)

  12. I love that cream cheese frosting, makes me want to try out this recipe.

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