Friday, July 25, 2008

Being a beach bum!!

This is where I will be for the next week. Down in the gulf, Seagrove Beach, FL. This picture was from our balcony last year right after it had stormed. Isn't it beautiful? I had never seen a rainbow over the ocean!

Shane will have a great recipe for you on Monday, so make sure that you check back then to see what he made. Hopefully, the scheduling function will work and it will post. Also, don't forget about the Daring Baker's that will post their creation on Wednesday the 29th!

Have a great week, and I am looking forward to see what creations you guys have been working on this week!


  1. Have an awesome vacation and take lots of pictures!

  2. I love being a beach bum. Have a great vacay!

  3. have a great vacation and take lots of pictures!!

  4. Hi April,

    I wanted to write a note to you, but since I couldn't find your email, leaving a comment.We at Wowzio have build some useful widgets, like slideshow widget, activity widget and more. For your blog, these can be seen at

    Again, I apologize for having to leave a comment, pl. note it is not my intent to spam you.


  5. Looks like you'll have a great time, I'm jealous!! :)

    I use a Wowzio slideshow, I really like it. ;)

    And...I thought posting date for the DBers was on the 30th...oh oh, off to check! :)

  6. Enjoy your'll be back with just a week till school starts!
